i had one good cookie experience... havent had a single good experience since. not saying i tripped out bad, i didnt even get high. Edibles dont work on me anymore... i even ate 2 hash bars :(
So just smoking playing some Black Ops and started thinking.. after a long time of smoking your lungs start getting gunked up right? well over a period of time wouldn't it get to the point where your not absorbing all the THC in the smoke because the smoke isnt even getting a clear passage way...
There was a thread on here where someone took there plant with them on the plane from a MMJ state to another MMJ state. He got stopped in the airport but once they verified he had a prescription they let him go on. and supposedly they had cops or someone waiting for him to verify him when he got...
The Internets not as fun when you don't have the guy to make fun of for hitting on internet girls.
I can tuck my junk between my legs and you can pretend!?!?!?
Well shit, 20 something days shy for me right now...my gf broke up with my ass a year ago this month on xmas eve. my gf..well ex was doing some shady shit behind my back. secret facebook and shit.. not cool. so i confront her and somehow it turns into her saying she hates me and all kinds of...
Some shit grown by Snoop dog himself :D
Its expensive as shit. Half oz...285 i get my normal dank Halfs for 180..
^ if you want to see the clinic that carrys Snoops.
American History X is a awesome movie!
haha HELL NO. never in my LIFE.
a 8th bruh.
<<Location Cali
Although when i go down to Hollywood and pick up some Snoops Supreme or some other diggity dankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i have payed 25 a g a few times.
Lol im sure we can get food arranged, we got some chefs on here.. including me i love to cook. haha you go with those hookers. haha fuckin poon you and your hookers. ill bring my girl instead so you can have mine! haha
Would try to goto that also!
shit every bring a jar/whatever you guys got someone bring some hash someone bring some oil and everyone bring a bong/pipe and we sit in a FAT circle and light up at like 4:20 ahahhaha imagine..
put a table in the middle and let everyone try some of everything!
damn... you said you had .4 left yesterday? shittttttt that so crazy i wanna get blazed off .1 but get trashed off .5
But almost time to re-up again huh? :/
bump..some more Herijuana before bed :) very good sleep time bud.