So, you condone the possibility of hurting innocent people/animals that may be in a public wood? That's awesome.....NOT. This is not Rambo, nor is this the wild west.
Yeah, that's it. set traps, beat the snot out of them. Hurt them, etc. That's the perfect way to fly under the radar. Ask yourself some questions before you get too paranoid. Have you seen any other red tape/flags? were the flags around a certain type of tree (variety or were they all dead...
Apologies, they are in a corner of a large walkin closet, they do get 12 on and 12 of darkness with no light leaks. The underlying issue is that I was only expecting to get 1 or 2 girls out of the mystery bagseed...I'm happy with the 4...but hadn't planned the logistics well. They're...
Hey Jondamon,
Thank you for the quick and thoughtful response. I didn't consider the timeframes, to be honest. I do agree with the 'more' CFL's and it's really not a cost issue. it's more of a location/how-to accomplish getting more lights in the small space (a corner of a room).
It may...
Here's the problem.... Hoping the depth and breadth of experience here can weigh in on this approach and poke any holes/provide constructive advice.
I have 4 girls (started with 9 bagseed, pared down 5 males). I don't have sufficient space or light to support the 4 girls at the same time...
Defintely weird. to answer your questions, it's bagseed and they're about 2 months old or so. Too bad they were boys. got more seedlings going from the bag, we'll see if any sprout funky leaves.
Obvious to those who've done this before ;-) No sorry needed. It's all a learning game right? I'm just happy I hadn't killed him with my inexperience. I'll most likely continue to keep him and his brother (some guys have all the luck eh?) under the 12/12 until my next batch of 'just popped'...
So, here are a few others. Generally the leaves are big, green and healthy...just that one small white striped one. Being a self admitted noob, is this a boy or girl plant? I'm regretfully thinking boy. Or, is it too early and give it some time? thoughts?
Rest of the plant is looking good although I'm having a Bitch of a time trying to figure out sex (if it's possible yet). They've been on the 12/12 schedule for about 2 weeks now. I'll post some additional pictures, but they're not that great. I'm thinking it's either too early or it's a...
Hey all,
First time poster and complete noob. That being said, my first grow and I'm sure I'm screwing things up...but it's a fun learning curve.
Anyway, one my plants has this leaf (green on one half, white on the other).
Anyone ever see this before? is it indicative of something missing...