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  1. cryptikpulse

    Auto sweet tooth barneys farm, 250w hps

    Looking forward to some more pics. I got a freebie auto sweet tooth from S.O.S she just sprouted. If mine turns out as good as yours I'll be happy as fuck!
  2. cryptikpulse

    auto somango 42 days from seed...

    I just started somango auto looking for an update. I'm curious how big it got and yield, and a smoke report wouldn't hurt either!
  3. cryptikpulse

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Just got my 400 watter, this is my third grow first two were outdoors. The previous two were disasters. Hopefully this will be my first successful grow. Right now I have my plants in my closet they're about a week old under flouro's. Planning to move them to my small tent in about a week. Right...
  4. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    SShZ glad you got your beans! I guess I'm a little more north than you. mine have germinated and are rocking from the gate. SOS much props!
  5. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Received mine today yeah its totally on now!
  6. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    In Flushing NY now, moving right along!
  7. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Update* January 13, 2013, 3:34 pm soon my friend soon ......
  8. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Update* January 13, 2013, 3:34 pm ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)
  9. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Just another update. Tracked package using royal mail a couple days ago, and it finally said it has reached destination country. I was super excited cause it got to America so quickly. So i browse my way over to to track it further. Now this is the point that shit gets fucked. For the...
  10. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    so your willing to martyr grandma for the cause....Wow!
  11. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    I am pleased to inform you that your recent order placed with Sea of Seeds has been carefully packaged and dispatched. It will be with you very shortly. Yes! Now that's what im talking about! Thanks e.m.
  12. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    He pm'ed me back straight away. Thanks dude good luck with your beans! SSHZ what did you order? Just curious.
  13. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Thanks, I'm on it.
  14. cryptikpulse

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    I ordered mine on the 6th 2013 still waiting for tracking#. Maybe today I hope.
  15. cryptikpulse

    I think I have a lady?....Finally I hope

    I'm ordering 400w hps tomorrow. when it comes in I'll move her indoors.
  16. cryptikpulse

    I think I have a lady?....Finally I hope

    Yayyyyyyy! Its about time. thanx 4 your input. still got two more yet to show themselves. I'll keep updating with pics
  17. cryptikpulse

    I think I have a lady?....Finally I hope

    I started this grow on June sixth.This is my third grow my first possible female! Here are the pics what do you guys think?