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  1. J

    whats your top 5 stoner movies?

    in no particular order, just some of my favs that came to mind. 1. Smiley Face 2. Friday 3. Half Baked 4. Up In Smoke 5. Saving Grace
  2. J

    Why does it say on nirvana shop website that they are not taking u.s. orders?

    they normally stop sending somewhere because they get lots of orders getting stopped by customs. maybe in the last weeks lots of orders to the US have had issues going through, including yours. check their customer service and ask them what's going on. Hope you get your order, i'm ordering some...
  3. J

    canadian licenses???? I don't have one but looked into it a bit when I was living over there. Hope that link helps. cheers!
  4. J

    who's up for a trivia?

    OMFGZ!! now im not sure! google to the rescue. sorry for breaking the rules but I had to double check now haha. they are both Tanners
  5. J

    who's up for a trivia?

    the tanners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. J

    Which show is THAT show wen u smokin? (live stream of abbey road crossing). im currentyl toking up and watching this. ahahaha people take pictures crossing the street constantly, i feel bad for the people that have to drive by this crossing every day.
  7. J

    anyone start smoking because of one your parents?

    I remember one of my best friends mom tried weed to see what his son was doing, year after that she was helping me us score MDMA. She started smoking pot, hanging out with younger people haha. we even went clubbing a couple times with her.
  8. J

    Your favourite "high"

  9. J

    weird weed

    smoke it and report bongsmilie
  10. J

    PLEASE HELP! Probation piss test in 4 days and need to piss clean!

    I have had friends have success with using some drops of bleach on the urine, I have also had success myself with just trying to clean my body in a week and got lucky. Maybe someone here knows if the bleach works 100% of the time, that band aid with bleach thing seems like it might just work.
  11. J

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    lol, I met a lot of mexicans while living in Toronto and Im pretty sure mexicans do sell it for less than that, but that bud they admitted was complete shit haha but im serious, its probably some farmers growing the stuff around here. Im not really exaggerating, quality varies a lot, A LOT, A...
  12. J

    First Grow - CFL, Unknown Strains

    this pics were taken the day before yesterday, some of them really started to yellow so I started feeding. A couple plants where put into bigger "pots", next week I should be buying propper pots for them and also starting to setup or build a flowering area for the plants. I will most likely only...
  13. J

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    an ounce of bud is 30-40 dollars, usually good, sometimes better than good and sometimes not so good. i usually purchase 10 dollars at a time which gets me 6-7 grams, this way Im never stuck with a lot of bud that I don't like. high grade you are looking at around 200 dollars an ounce.
  14. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

    buuump bongsmilie
  15. J

    3 Word Story

    after hearing this
  16. J

    3 Word Story

    the loving prostitue
  17. J

    3 Word Story

    Then some bananas
  18. J

    First Grow - CFL, Unknown Strains

    are this plants healthy? two of them have almost completely yellow bottom leafs and the bigger one has 2 leafs with the tip somewhere between yellow and brown. The tip has stayed the same for a while now and the yellow leafs as well. I dont know if I should worry about them yet since they have...
  19. J

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    i'm not sure she's a girl, but hoping she will be