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  1. G

    Hey guys another question

    haha nah, ive been trying to figure it out, they were bag seeds
  2. G

    Hey guys another question

    A friend of mine has a few plants growing right now, Two in an approximately 4 by 4 cabinet with 3 75 watt flouros in it and another cabinet with one plant and 2 75 flouros. My question is the plant that is by itself has been through alot in its short life so far but i applied my greentumb and...
  3. G

    Tore one of the leaves on my plant

    thanks guys i am going to just let it be and hope it will be ok, one more question, one of the leaves on another one of my plants has 4 points, is there a reason for this?
  4. G

    Tore one of the leaves on my plant

    Hello I am new to growing and I recently tore a chunk out of one of my marijuana plant leaves, I am wondering what effect this will have on my plant and if I should do anything about it.