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  1. J

    Is it ready??

    Pull it. Got it!
  2. J

    Is it ready??

    Does this plant look ready to harvest? If not how much longer do you think? Should I cut off ferts this close to harvest? Bud growth seems to have stopped.
  3. J

    (1st Grow)How am I doing and other questions.

    This is my first grow. Outdoors. I started 7 plants. All but one died or maled on me. I took 3 clones from my good female. I think she was already just starting flower when I cut the clones. They're growing but one blade leaves that look funny. I assume they reverted to veg. What's the yellow...
  4. J

    Am I out of pre-flower stage yet?

    Okay like 1 month ago my outdoor plant started showing pre-flowers. 2 white hairs on a few of the nodes. It's as big as it will get in 5 gal bucket. Just waiting for the light to change right. Now every node has white hairs. Does that mean it's full into flowering and should be ready for harvest...
  5. J

    Cloning(AKA: What did I do wrong)

    Will saran wrap work in a pinch?
  6. J

    Someone please help me out with this... Pic Posted

    Maybe female flowers can't really tell in the pics. I don't see anything that looks male in these pics. I'm just a Noob but my male plants clearly had "sacks" or pods among the nodes.
  7. J

    Cloning(AKA: What did I do wrong)

    Alright I have my "super female". I tried to cut a couple clones from lower branches. Cut 4 nodes, trimmed lower leaves to make areas for roots to grow(not to rot etc.), dipped in hormone, and planted in soil. Misted a little. Came back 1/2 hr later just to check on em and they are both slumped...
  8. J

    Major Help Needed!

    "put your finger in the dyke and pray" seriously. My advice is go to the headshop and ask for synthetic urine.
  9. J

    2wk old seedling with pollen sacks?

    These were from bag seeds I got from some nice middy. Only 5 fully developed seeds in 2 Oz. The green was some nice kill. As for late in the season I had 5 diff bag seed plants. ALL were male except 1. I'm trying to pull an elephant out of my hat with these seedlings. So far I'm grabbing mostly air.
  10. J

    2wk old seedling with pollen sacks?

    Okay I have some seedlings outside. When it rains they go under a tarp. Not dark dark but pretty shady when it's real cloudy. This one and this one only seems to be sexing very early. Is it to early? Are these pollen sacks? Does that conclude this plant is male and I should pull it? What's up...
  11. J

    Filtered water from the fridge?

    Okay I literally have the worst tap water in the country. Am I better off to use filtered water from the fridge. Does the filter remove bad stuff like chlorine or should I still let it sit open for atleast 24 hrs so that stuff can evaporate? Also what about good things like cal/mag or other...
  12. J

    To late?

    I started a few more outdoor plants. They're 3-4 days old. Is it to late in the outdoor season for the plants to get big enough to flower? If so, even if the photoperiod is right will the plant continue to grow to maturity or try to flower to small and die? In FL panhandle BTW.
  13. J

    Yellow, Orange & Brown Dots On Leaves

    I had similar issues with one plant. Infact it was only like 1/3 of the leaves spread across the whole plant. I was told it was possible a nute( maybe cal/mag) deficiency. Mine never seemed to get worse and overall didn't have an effect on the plant. Sadly it turned out to be male and had to be...
  14. J


    Is this just preflowers or has this outdoor plant started to flower? These hairs have been among the top nodes for around a week. Some turned red/brown and look dried up. Should I be misting more now? First time grow, this plant is def female right? Does it need more or less of certain nutes...
  15. J

    What's Up With Shorty?

    It's in a 5 gallon bucket with 3-4 gallons soil. Other plants in the same age range and same setup reach atleast my belly button with one(the apparent male from my other post) up to my chest. I assume it's just genetics. I'd be happy with an ounce from this plant, for sure if it's premo.
  16. J

    What's Up With Shorty?

    Okay this outdoor plant is 3+ months old. It reached a set height and stopped growing. It was very short. I tried to top it(first time topper here), which went rather well I'd say. Not only is there a split with 2 new stems but the new stems are adding a little more height. How does it look? Did...
  17. J

    Male Flowers?

    The blurry pics with stems belong in another thread, but I'm sure everyone sees what I'm referring too.
  18. J

    Male Flowers?

    Is this seed pods or just new growth near the nodes? This is only in the top few nodes, which is why I'm afraid to hear the answer.
  19. J

    Whats its called when

    Try searching for the term supercropping. Googling "supercropping" and click the 4th result(the web addy includes the term 420, not sure if it's okay to directly link to another forum) had a decent tut IMHO. I'd give better advice but I just found out about this yesterday myself.
  20. J

    Spiders bad for my plants?

    So far I see no harm to the plants a side from the small webs they've built. I see little grasshoppers and leafhoppers so I hope these little guys will help.