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  1. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    Bad buy man, sorry to tell ya. Yes the buds turn out to be sticky, resinous and smell great (at least mine do for now). But mine didn't autoflower and Heavyweight Seeds I think is a bit of a joke. You will be better off getting a bubblegum, or all in all something else if you wanna go for...
  2. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    Heeeeeeeeey Im back, I completely forgot about this! Anyways Its been a whiiiiiiile, The LR2 has been harvested and smoked (15g dryapprox, killer, mango tasting weed) Now its only the auto bubbe candy (mistake buy) as it was suppsoed to be autoflowering, and wasn't. Anyways it's been making...
  3. C

    EXTREME nutrient burn.

    I want 3oz!
  4. C

    EXTREME nutrient burn.

  5. C

    EXTREME nutrient burn.

    also, what kind of yield would you think I should expect, would u reckon more than 2oz?
  6. C

    EXTREME nutrient burn.

    very LQ pics, sorry. Can't really appreciate that much damaged. Just imagine all the tips of the leaves yellow. These are more LQ pics of about 1.5 weeks ago:
  7. C

    EXTREME nutrient burn.

    i have trimmed the yellow bits now as much as I can. I dont control the ppm and am a bit scared of using fert now, maybe in a week when more water has passed through. I don't know if it has stopped growing in height as I got back day before yesterday. The lower buds look better than the higher...
  8. C

    EXTREME nutrient burn.

    Hi I have a problem with my unknown autoflowering indica that didn't turn out to be autoflowering. The situation is, my plant has been burnt with very extreme fertilizer use: the fertilizer should be diluted 1:100 or so and it was fertilized 1:2. How did this happen? I left the country...
  9. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    Well, I say then 14g, maybe more but Ive smoked a few grams already so I will never know. Anyways, good. Good stuff. Nice complex smell, that changes a lot from wet to semi wet to dry and it also smells differet when you break buds. Very hairy buds although not particularly dense or big. Not...
  10. C

    how much will lowryder#2 yield under good conditions?

    I am under process of harvesting my Lowryder II that has been under HPS200W for most of it's life, grown in soil and with use of fertilizers...It had 1central cola and 8 other buddy stems, with 4 of them being considerably bigger than the others... I am harvesting little by little and now have...
  11. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    does anybody know how much percent of a fresh bud's weight i should lose before its good to smoke?
  12. C

    Easy Ryder 250w CFL Grow

    mate you aregetting ripped off... I get 2.4g for 20pounds of completey dry stuff. I feel a bit ripped off as well but your case is worst.
  13. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    Hey! I havent written here in a while and I am now at the final stages, today must be very near day 60. MARY isnt an AF plant and is growing nicely. JANE is at the end of flowering and I have aleady harvested main cola and some random ripe looking buds. All buds look pretty ripe but there are...
  14. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    COMMENTS ARE VERY WELCOME I want to point out as well that MARY although not budding yet, has around 10 side branches which will bare buds, JANE has like 8 or so. I am hoping to obtain between 1.5-2 ounces between both plants. Let's see what happens.... and for future reference: MARY is the...
  15. C

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    UPDATE = DAY 32 Today is day 32 and things are going great. Two issues: 1. Yellowing leaves The bottom fan leaves from both plants are yellowing and growing necrotic patches. One particular leaf has shown yellowing only between veins, veins are green. I though this may be nutrient locking...
  16. C

    Auto BlueBerry fem and Short Rider's that are really autos!

    i want to know how much you harvested!
  17. C

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    fuck. thing is my lowryder is bushy as hell and really leafy. Just short. With a littlebit of internode space it would be the perfect plant....are they suppsoed to grow during flowering...and has yuorplant started blooming?
  18. C

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    what about trimming the big fan leaves? I just think they must be quite necessary at this stage, but there are also a lot of little growing leaves