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  1. P

    Delete this account please

    yea i have done that but if you go to google and type in p8ntbllr234 this website will be in the results which is a problem
  2. P

    Delete this account please

    its for personal reasons i need this comes up when you google for me...
  3. P

    How long for first signs?...

    ok i germinated 6 seeds with the cup of water method. I left them in for 24 hours and gave them a little tap and they all fell to the bottom so i fugured they were good seeds. I planted them in little dixie cups and gave them a watering and stuck them in a zip lock bag to hold in moisture. They...
  4. P

    Watering with mother nature....

    yea i know about drilling holes in the bottom..forgot to say that but yea im in NC it gets hot but we get random t-storms a im guessing im just gonna have to check if it doesnt rain every three days
  5. P

    Watering with mother nature....

    I was going to use 5 gal buckets to hopefully hold more water and dig a little trench around it so water runs to the plant...My outdoor site is near a creek but I just don't want to go to me site a lot....I wanna keep down on sketchy visits into the middle of the woods for no reason. What is the...
  6. P

    Watering with mother nature....

    I just looked at my average rain all for june july august and it's about 4" of rain for each of the months. Is this enough rain for me not to have to water my plants?
  7. P

    starting seeds directly outside?....

    sweet....thanks a ton...RUI is awesome
  8. P

    starting seeds directly outside?....

    wow quick replies thanks........also I have three types of nutrients and i need to know if their for veg or flowering cycle ......i have a 16-8-8 a 30-10-10 and a 20-20-20...
  9. P

    starting seeds directly outside?....

    ok so I have found an awesome place to grow and now that im about to start im afraid there going to die on me. I plan on starting them with paper towel germination then in a humidity dome until they sprout but then they have to go out. I CAN'T grow them inside at all. So my question is....Will...
  10. P

    Growing Outdoors For My First Time

    im in the same boat bro....don't plant them in your yard it will be a pain in the ass to move....just find a good place in the woods and start from their...water once a week unless you get one inch of rain or more a week then don't. And if you have to water them just say your going out to bike...
  11. P

    Outdoor grow for first time...

    whats the law about being seen near the plants? like if I was to be spotted wondering around in a wooded area that isn't too far from a business, could I be charged with cultivating? With no proof except seeing me near them
  12. P

    Outdoor grow for first time...

    ok so I wanted to grow my own this year but to sketched to grow in my own house so i decided outdoor. I just want some comments on not getting caught. Like advice that might point me to believe someone is watching me. should i water on like a sunday when most people are home or what?
  13. P

    Stealth Edibles?

    so your telling me that cannabutter doesn't smell when you make it? Thats what I said stealth was........dick head
  14. P

    Stealth Edibles?

    ok so I made my first true edible today which was 2 firecrackers with about .5 of dank. PB on both sides and ground up weed. I preheated oven to 325 and put them in for 22 min. I ate both of them and felt little to nothing. So I want and try to make something different that works everytime and...