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  1. obi132

    ready for harvest...?

    is this a joke?? there done simple !
  2. obi132

    UK Garden Grow 3 x Purple Power 1 x Blue Widow

    Thanks man, that plant is kinda an experiment in progress to see how she would react to having 3-4 sets of fan leaves stripped, I'm interested in weather it will make a difference to yeild compared to the others, i can say she was definately the 1st to show signs of flower but has began to...
  3. obi132

    UK Garden Grow 3 x Purple Power 1 x Blue Widow

    Just testing out my new signature I thought it's quite fitting for GG's ;)
  4. obi132


    hay dude those kinda WANTS are gonna be hard to come by id say with out extensive knowledge of many factors and years of learning, neither of which i have:dunce: but what i do know is weed is a very hardy plant that wants to grow and with a lil amount of care will grow you bud check out my...
  5. obi132

    UK Garden Grow 3 x Purple Power 1 x Blue Widow

    Here's pictures i took minuets ago, what you think guys any feed back is appreciated good or bad check out my MONSTER sunflower too around 10 ft :-P
  6. obi132

    7.5' tall octopus looking monster (Pixx) update

    Shit Bro that is one big ass beautie loving your work from here in the UK im gonna follow this one i cant wait to see her in her full glory !! PEACE
  7. obi132

    UK Garden Grow 3 x Purple Power 1 x Blue Widow

    Whats up guys iv been away a while, but im back with this years GG :D Iv got 3 x PP that are now in flower although 1 of them is a diffrent Pheno and is flowering a lil slower and i also have a Blue Widow (white pot) this lady really struggled out door up untill about 4-5 weeks ago but i...
  8. obi132

    First time uk grower after any opinions or suggestions all welcomed good or bad.....

    grow them mixed in with tomato plants to the untrained eye you wouldent really notice the diffrence..yeah im gonna go auto next season fancey some purple power too.... Peace
  9. obi132

    First time uk grower after any opinions or suggestions all welcomed good or bad.....

    im gonna try auto flowering next year i think im gonna lookin to it
  10. obi132

    First time uk grower after any opinions or suggestions all welcomed good or bad.....

    cheers ads iv prob got about an oz mabey 1 and half dry but il have to see because the rest of the plant is staying out for a week mabey 2 more.... Looking forward to seeing your pics fella...... Peace
  11. obi132

    First time uk grower after any opinions or suggestions all welcomed good or bad.....

    iv just cropped one arm of my lady just after any feedback or opinions welcomed
  12. obi132

    wind and rain

    iv decided to crop one branch of my lady to get used to the harvest/cureing process.... Just thought id add a few pictures for some feedback.... Peace
  13. obi132

    uk outdoor any idea on the strain of my lady?

    pics are all from over the past month or so.... i would love to know what strain iv got growing here im on 51 Thank you Peace
  14. obi132

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hay dude how long do ya think on this lady? havin alot of rain at the moment
  15. obi132

    First time uk grower after any opinions or suggestions all welcomed good or bad.....

    yeah most peoaple are croping between now and the next 3 weeks outdoor uk...... how long do you think mine need b4 i can crop because im dreadding mould with all this rain..... and will it still be a good smoke?? Peace
  16. obi132

    First time uk grower after any opinions or suggestions all welcomed good or bad.....

    this is my first grow and im having alot of rain at the moment think iv only got a few weeks left but thought id ask you guys on here for you suggestions. Peace Obi
  17. obi132

    How Long Uk Outdoor Grow

    good luck ads hope you keep that mould away fella. Peace
  18. obi132

    When should i stop feeding my plants?? uk outdoor grow

    thank you very much
  19. obi132

    When should i stop feeding my plants?? uk outdoor grow

    im just after some help on when to stop feeding my plants. Peace