ok now two of my seedlings have sprouted the first is now 3/4inch tall and the second is now 2/3 inch tall but still no sighn of number three. hopefully she be poping out soon
yer thats the plan lol just remember when you put the seeds in the pots to keep them dark for 3/4 days till they poke out of the soil. and keep the heat at a nice 75F and dont over water them they dont like that to much lol. keep me up to date and have a look at my grow im a newb to lol. thanks
ok so i went and checked on my babbys (the 3 that are planted) on the 7th and 1 is doing well she sprouted out of the soil and has 2 clear leaves showing. so im now going to put that one under a light. this time im useing a c.f.l. and i have it roughly 2/3 inch away from the top of the seedlings...
hi after i had a dissaster with may first grow i just got my 2nd grow going. i put seeds in for germanation on the 2nd and 1 got potted on the 3rd and 2 got potted on the 4th. i have put them in pots and coverd with clear plastic for the humidety. i am keeping the room at 75f with a small fan...
got 3 seeds put in soil with clear plastic overthem.in a dark room there doing ok how long will it be before they sprout ?. iv got them 1/4 inc in lightly goverd with a bit of soil no nutrs in the water but give them a bit just a light spray. and the room temp is at 75f
thanks for all your posts i have a fan blowing on my pots and i am useing plagon light mix and i have boosted the ph to 6.5/.7.5 so no probs there i am also yousing formulx for food i also have some bat/worm shit for the trancfer to 5gal when they get big and yes i made sure i scrubed the full...
hi there my felow growers im a big time newb:hump: as my name says. i just started my 2nd grow after all my babbys died from them twating pests and im just in need of some advice really. i have a prity gheto setup and i mean well shit :cry: i got soil and a light and all that but im just at the...