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  1. G

    The Meth experience thread

    OG offense... sorry if your offended... your an idiot
  2. G

    The Meth experience thread

    It's only proven to ruin people's lives 70 percent of the time everytime... people dont want to here about how strung out you are or what stage of recovery your on. If your gonna post your shit in the general marijuana growing section .... No Drugs, Just Weed
  3. G

    Bring in.... drum roll..... The STRAIN Experts (Presidential Pothead)

    Hello, A. Mer. Ica. George W. Bush here, Ever since I've been out of office, and back home.. here in... here in Texas. I've come to a conclusion that life just ain't as fun after ruinin... (cough) running..(excuse me) running... a country. Hell, it sucks... I mean one minute your.. your...
  4. G

    How many plants in my 4X4 tray, and break down of light coverage

    I have a 4X4 tray = equals 2304 in. total area I plan to give each plant 5X5 inch nest pots in an ebb and flow = 25 in 2304/25= 92 plants Is this possible? Also I am thinking of a 1000 HPS for each 4X4 tray, could possibly I just use 2 1000 HPS for three 4X4...
  5. G

    So many options for new grow room... Need a fresh outside take

    Hello MJ Community.... I am setting up a new grow room while it has so much potential it also has infinite possiblilities... The area I'm working with is about 14.5 X 15.2 ft, then streches further in length for 21 more feet but only has a width of five feet (all together the area resembles...