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  1. P

    help me

    ok cheers m8 much appreciated or ur help keep safe
  2. P

    help me

    an 1st time watering today only got em yesterday
  3. P

    help me

    i can see wat ur sayin m8 i transplanted last nite iv put them on my windowsill now an it seems to be gettin a bit of stance back maybe no water but to much heat makin it flop wat u think it could still be damaged root but we will see
  4. P

    help me

    yh i transplanted them but with the most care i could mannage im using a 400w hps is it to strong but wen i got them they looke root bound nice sets on them but not much room i hae more i done an they seem ok its just spinning my ead
  5. P

    help me

    i just watered the m8 ppl told me to leave them there dead anyway they said but i cant just leave them her 4 sisters are doing we i think it might of been a heat prob see its my 1st grow i just need advice i put them on my window now an they seem to be gettin stabillity back a bit just the top...
  6. P

    help me

    hey i just bought 6 new cuttig an they were fine i got up today to see that 3 are wilting bad i dnt no wat i should do to help them please help me