Herb.iq is very cool. I can run it in a VM but is there any chance for a LINUX version?
Any other software of this type for LINUX anyone is using? I have a simple spread sheet for Open Office but nothing as cool as Herb.IQ.
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like everyone agrees the e&f system is the best way to go. One more thing. My well water is very hard. I was thinking the general hydro nutrients. Any other recommendations?
I am the caregiver for my wife. We are allowed 12 plants and her needs are pretty modest at less than 4 ounces a year.
The catch is I have some equipment that is 20 years old. The newspaper used for packing was dated Sept. 1990. Anyway what I have.
3foot x 3foot Ebb and Flow table.
When I opened the boxes with my old growing stuff the newspapers I had used to pack it were dated September 1990. Yes it has been a while. Lucky where I live the medical use of Marijuana is now legal. There seems to be a real turning of the tide. California is voting on legalising for everyone...