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  1. Krash14

    Stupid Move here. Told one person about my grow... I know please read and no lecture

    haha im white, and not racist haha. But where im from we call crack heads crackers. Lets just say in my town theres alot of them
  2. Krash14

    Stupid Move here. Told one person about my grow... I know please read and no lecture

    If you dont grow herbs or peppers, disassemble everything. Find a storage place rent it for 50 bucks a month throw it all in their. Cops need a whole new warrant to search somthing or somwhere of yours thats not on the property. Paying a couple hundred bucks for awhile is better then get busted...
  3. Krash14

    My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

    Cruzer, my bad havent looked at the thread lately. Anyway, the plants look good man. They look awesome in the video with the leaves blowing around. Security cameras are definatly a solid investment. Security is number 1.
  4. Krash14

    my 8-10k watt kush grow

    Amazing grow man. I drooled over the last 20 pages. Im liking the vertical lights Hows intensity goin?
  5. Krash14

    Kitty's 6000 Watt Ebb & Flo, pictures galore, continually updated never ending oh no!

    Nice Grow and sweet ass nugs. Cool idea testing them side by side. Im excited to see how much u actually ended up with
  6. Krash14

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Nice Job fdd. read through the entire thread. Ive learned alot just from reading. I would say goodluck but clearly you dont need it. subd o yeah fdd2blk = weed growing master
  7. Krash14


    Yeah if you have an extraction fan that moves 1400 cfm you should be fine. Your room is only 1089 cu ft. so technically speaking you could evacuate all the air in the room in under one minute. And you will hold negative pressure so you should be golden.
  8. Krash14

    Small plane With "patrol" on it

    yeah watch for the plane to come by again.. then id be worried.
  9. Krash14

    Anyone besides me old enough to .........

    i still get that well $35 or $40 for good shit. YAY For canada still no dime bags like that tho
  10. Krash14

    Ranger Danger's Guerilla Grow Guide!

    Thanks for the helpul guide. I know ill be reading this again
  11. Krash14

    CO2 and Lighting.

    Hey Well i was just curious to what the difference between an electronic ballast and the magnetic ballast. I see the electronic ballast is smaller but other then that? Also your opnions or experiences with each would be cool. And for CO2 i see many "generators" for CO2 in which propane is...
  12. Krash14

    grow your plants 10x faster! or set them on fire..?

    Hey man interesting experiment. Im definatly gunna see what you come up with, i too have wondered how much is to much. im not to sure though how your going to create or find a lens that large. i can think of mirrored surfaces but no transparent. Good luck though.
  13. Krash14

    Blackberry Kush/Strawberry Cough 4000w Grow Journal

    CaLi4NiA3 you got some nice lookin plants. A nice set up too. How long are you vegging your plants for? (Sorry if you said before)
  14. Krash14

    Beezkneez's Grow Journal - 1000w AK-47

    Nice plants dude. Ak 47 is awesome. Cant wait to here how those buds are. + rep
  15. Krash14

    lighting/heating questions

    Ok bare with me here as I try to explain this. I live in a pretty northern part of Canada and its cold as fuck here in the winter. I had a hypothetical idea to grow in a shed, Now the issue is heat because in the winter we hit a nice -45°C (-49°F for you pansies. jk) and that would kill the shit...
  16. Krash14

    money maker

  17. Krash14

    Ebb and Grow?

    Cruzer Thanks for the explination. Makes alot more sense then what google was trying to tell me. So with the rockwool and rapid rooters, does a guy just take the whole plant (rockwool and rapid rooters attached) and place it in the hydroton? (i know its probably a dumb question) Teejay thanks...
  18. Krash14

    Smokinguns 2010 Sout East Guerilla Grow Show

    Hey man first of all Good Luck with the plants. I cant wait to see the finished bud. I imagine from what i can tell you well do fine as your indoor plants look very nice. I hope you dont get the same weather as i do because it snowed here yesterday:?. And make sure you drop bambi before he...
  19. Krash14

    Ebb and Grow?

    Thanks for the input man, helps alot. Every bit of info helps me plan a well set up grow room. But, if someone could explain to me in 'stoned terms' wat bubbleponics/DWC is? And if anyone has grown with the system ive shown please let me know what you think about it. Also i found a kit that has...
  20. Krash14

    Ebb and Grow?

    Well im a newb to the forum and growing. Im looking to set up a grow room and i am doing quiet a bit of research. Ive come across the Ebb and Grow set up with twelve 2-gallon pots and a 55gallon main reservoir. (i know most of you know what im talking about but if not)...