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  1. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    Ok well it's a relief to know that they won't seed anyways. Thanks guys!
  2. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    They're in the same pot by accident. I planted 2 seeds in the same one by accident and decided to see what happens. I didn't foliar feed at all ever. I'll just pick it off.
  3. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    There's 2 out of 4 doing this. The 2 doing it are in the same pot. I don't have anywhere to move it to. I might just pick off the pod..
  4. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    I'd cut it, but its on the very top. I don't want to stunt the buds growth they have like 3-4 weeks still
  5. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    ok heres some close ups. It's the little reddish purple thing. ..haha. It's pretty small, but about the same size as a normal male pod.
  6. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    Ok I'll try but when I try to get closer the focus goes out.
  7. canadagirl

    Closet full of plant have seeds but no males or hermis

    I'm no expert, but I would say that in order for a female to produce seeds it needs pollen from somewhere.
  8. canadagirl

    Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?

    They are 5 weeks into flower. They are in the same pot. I know that's not a good idea but it was an accident and I couldn't bring myself to chop one. So what the hell is that little purple thing right in the middle? These are pics of the main cola. The other buds don't have the pods like...
  9. canadagirl

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    WHAT?! Can I just cut it off? Or do I have to chop that plant? Goddamn males sticking their pods where they don't belong! I have 2 plants in the same pot... IKNOW it's not a good idea. But i just couldn't bring myself to chop one when I realized I had planted two seeds in the same pot. They...
  10. canadagirl

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do you think? This is my first grow so I really have no idea how to tell when they're ready. I've been doing lots of reading but it's hard to put into practice.
  11. canadagirl

    what grinds your gears

    We already learned not to click on links
  12. canadagirl

    what grinds your gears

    people who give you a disgusted look when you offer them a toke while they're smoking a cigarette.
  13. canadagirl

    Does anybody ever use a proxy on this site?

    I don't. but I was wondering if there's anyone that does. Or if it's a good idea.
  14. canadagirl

    today i got ROBBED!

    Holy shit! That's crazy. There's good dealers out there, who are normal people, but even so maybe just make sure they meet you alone. Doesn't sound like that current dealer you met with would bring someone on a deal with you again. That sounds so crazy it was just over an ounce! I mean I...
  15. canadagirl

    2 plants, same pot, same strain, one deep green and beautiful, one yellow

    It's getting so far into budding that I would prefer not to give any more nutes. I think they'll survive. This was my first grow and I think I did pretty well, but I'm going organic next time. I had yellowing problems right from when they went under a HPS. Started with heat stress, magnesium...
  16. canadagirl

    2 plants, same pot, same strain, one deep green and beautiful, one yellow

    The plants are about 5 weeks into flowering. They suffered a bit of a Mg deficiency in the first week and I gave them a small dose of epsom salts. That seemed to cure the brown spots and major yellowing. But the yellowing is back. That's not the wierd part. What's wierd is that I have two plants...
  17. canadagirl

    What kind of deficiency is this? Pics

    Ok so I finally found some epsom salts, I didn't realize that they could be found at any drug store.... Does anybody know whether its a good idea to foliar feed them when they are 10 days into flowering? Or should I just add it in with watering?
  18. canadagirl

    What kind of deficiency is this? Pics

    I guess the guide says it's mg. That makes sense cause we have really hard water. I'll give the epsom salts a try
  19. canadagirl

    What kind of deficiency is this? Pics

    really? I thought that I shouldn't be giving much nitrogen now that they're in flowering stage.
  20. canadagirl

    What kind of deficiency is this? Pics

    any second opinions? Does everybody think that this problem will go away as long as I keep giving distilled water?