Search results

  1. OneWithMotherNature

    black uhuru anyone??

    my god.. i came across these hooligans on pandora and absolutely loveddd what i heard! ive been searching for some wild reggae style tunes w/ the congas, rain forest feel meshed in, not so much lyrics and of course the crazy background sounds and these guys seemed to certainly fit the criteria...
  2. OneWithMotherNature

    young sprouts with brown leaves..can they make it!!? :/

    bummer man would it be too late to start now? if they germinated tonight, and put in the cfl rubbermaid for a week or so, then outside?
  3. OneWithMotherNature

    greetings to all

    greetings to all
  4. OneWithMotherNature

    young sprouts with brown leaves..can they make it!!? :/

    *first post:peace: im writing on behalf of my amigo and his brother, due to them not having an account here. as most of you know we got alot of rain on the east coast sat/sunday and so the guys said they went out to check them monday and the plants were totally submerged in water but still...