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  1. K


    the plants are roughly 4 ft and 4 1/2 ft i used same sized pots last year and found that the buds ddint seem to fill out as they should have but maybe thats not from buckets but a lack of soemthing else. i had them in 2 gal pots and there growth stunted as soon as i re potted they blew up and...
  2. K


    2 wonder women in 5 gal buckets..showed sex like 3 weeks ago getting pretty big and im afraid of them getting root bound and not having enough umf to finish out..what are you opinions is it too late to switch em to maybe a 7 gal or so to give them a bit more near the end or will it harm em? Ive...
  3. K

    transplant question

    Ok, i have two wonder woman plants about 3 3 1/2 ft tall they are both in 4 gallon pots...i transplanted once already about a month ago and they blew the hell up..I am thinking they need to be put into bigger pots but i guess what my question is,, is it too late into their life to the point...
  4. K

    yellowing leaves

    Cool thanks guys, appreciate the replies
  5. K

    yellowing leaves

    Just plants are close to two months old, they are both wonder women and they seem to be having yelloing leaves at the bottom of themselves. now i know yellow is not a terrible sign could it be from over watering or is it just a phase in the plants life where it uses the energy from...
  6. K

    2011 grow

    looking to buy some seeds for 2011. had my first successful grow last year with about a qp. seeds were nothing special. any recommendations for a northeast grow, near philly.
  7. K

    wet vs dry volume

    everyday in the jar youll see a difference for a solid week or two of shrinkage, just my experience at the moment. a full jar when first placed in the jar will prolly end up 3/4 of the jar when its ready
  8. K

    Super purp!

    looks tasty...congrats
  9. K

    Chopping Thursday.. are they ready ?

    i got a sativa right now at 13 weeks and really this last week she has blown the f**k up. let her go man
  10. K

    my success using the glorious LST technique

    props man look awesome
  11. K

    I used to love her...but I had to kill her

    I feel ya bro just reading your made me feel alil sad since im gonna saw one of my ladies this week.. and 420 god im sorry to hear that damn. wind strong enough to break that shit is gotta be ridiculous.
  12. K


    usually if part of the plant get seeds, the whole thing will get seeds. thats unfortunate man id say just make some tea or brownies as the seeded bud will not be very good at all to smoke. Good Luck
  13. K

    A** weather turns to pure beautifullnesss

    any ladies still riding this out are about to swell to the high heavens.
  14. K

    A** weather turns to pure beautifullnesss

    Here on the east coast and im sure alot of people are having this problem, RAIN has been an issue. 10 day weather forecast looks like 10 days of pure perfectness for finishing up! Good Luck! May your harvest be plentiful..
  15. K

    Temps in 50s no sun for rest of week. Harvest? Please advise!

    50 celsius..with no sun..thats retarded
  16. K

    ok 30's and raining!!

    i dont think u want to block any wind..unless its hurricane force..wind will only help dry your buds from all this shit ass weather
  17. K

    How Long Uk Outdoor Grow

    looks good to me man few more weeks cant come soon enough
  18. K

    wind and rain

    that makes 3 of us. im at school and only get to see my ladies once a week. been having nightmares everynight fearing mold..hopefully they stay strong and finish this out healthy.
  19. K

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    honestly. this is a sick ass thread and cant wait to post my ladies at harvest. got an instant 6-10 when i got on here. bud porn at its finest!!