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  1. marzman

    all kinds of critters

    what kind of critters
  2. marzman

    Please help!

    I have been hit many times by mites. This close to harvest I would suggest taking ea plant and giving them a good wash in fresh water completely submerged in the tub and drain between each plant. Rain is a natural control. Water alone wont hurt your tops. You will loose too much weight if you...
  3. marzman

    springtails spring tails

    Ok based on what I have read so far these are definetely springtails and supposedly do not hurt your plants and are a sign of healthy soils or medium. I switched to 4" rockwool cubes under 1000 hid mh and have removed all dirt from the area. Now the little bastards are eating the moss on the...
  4. marzman

    Wilting? It's my first grow, can anyone help me out?

    raise your light for a bit too. looks like UV burn
  5. marzman

    Little Buggers are eatting my leaves! Helps what are they?!?

    Endall also works (buy condensed...way cheaper)
  6. marzman

    Little Buggers are eatting my leaves! Helps what are they?!?

    I had thrips and the silvery damage to your leaves look the same. Little bastards are hard to get rid of. I used MM2000 Every 3 days for 3 times litely misting the plants on a ratio of 75% under the leaves to 25% on top. Remember to do the soil or other medium also as they breed there. If you...
  7. marzman

    New to the grow...

    What size lights are you using and what medium?
  8. marzman

    Newbie grower here...cloning question.

    A little trick I learned with bending them is to let them water stress first so the stalk is flexable.