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  1. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    I almost forgot. I triied the LSD when I got up and it was pretty good from the bud I smoked off it. Also has a different smell to it. I have never smelled before. Smoked or fresh. I have never smelled anything like it before. Can't waite for it to dry so I can try the tops. Doesn't seem to be...
  2. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    OK Cool It's been nice talking to you. Thanks & Take Care
  3. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    Thanks for the help on the lingo. I tried something yesterday. I noticed with other plants when I pulled them out of the grow room and put them under just the house lights. I can see that most of the hairs have turned a light brown. In regular house lights. Under HPS it is hard to see the...
  4. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    OK Thanks I am taking a shot in the dark. But I gather Nugs are the buds. And the tricomes are the hairs that make the buds. I don't know your lingo too well. They are clear and straight. Am I write?
  5. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    I guess it is the pistols / the hairs The tricromes, Is that the tip of the pistals? Like a little ball. The pistols/hairs are now starting to change. But they are a very light brown. Not dark like I am used to seeing. I have too look at them through my mag glass to see the colour change...
  6. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    Man this site sure does suck for responces.
  7. nicfguy

    Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?

    Hello All As you can see I am new to the site. I have a question or 2. Do the clear hairs on the Barnies LSD turn colour when they start to rippen? Like most other plants do. Red, Brown etc. I have a Barnies LSD budding right now under 450 watts of HPS. It will be 8 weeks budding this Friday May...
  8. nicfguy

    Barney's Farm LSD

    Hello All As you can see I am new to the site. I have a question or 2. Do the clear hairs on the Barnies LSD turn colour when they start to rippen? Like most other plants do. Red, Brown etc. I have a Barnies LSD budding right now under 450 watts of HPS. It will be 8 weeks budding this Friday...