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  1. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    thanks budforever. I had it 12/12 from 11am to 11pm, so will reversing the plants "morning" and "night" stunt growth? I'm trying to think of the least stress inducing way to do this. Ideas?
  2. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    Its not a clone, I started it from seed. So I think I'll keep everything running 24/0 for a few days and see what it looks like, and then switch to 18/6, if I can even do that. I'm pretty sure the temp would get up way to high if I left this thing on 24/0. I can put my hand right in front of it...
  3. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    budforever, the hps is only 150 watts, so I'm keeping the two cfl's because, well why not? More lumens right? Also I was under the impression supplementing some blue spectrum light like the light from the cfl's would help speed things up through the seedling stage since the hps is the other end...
  4. B

    160 plant indoor grow

    damn. 160plants!? your my hero.
  5. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    I was responding to budforever about the lighting cycle. Thanks for the advice, I will leave the bottle of big bloom until the plant is much bigger. Also, like I said, the plant is not in MG soil anymore, it is in roots organics brand soil.
  6. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    so your suggesting i change the light cycle 2-3 weeks in? Wouldn't that cause alot more stress to the plant? The hydro store is all the way in PA (Im in NJ) so it'll be awhile before I could make it there, would anywhere else sell grow big or something similar? All home depot & lowes have are...
  7. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    I just watered yesterday. I've fed once with fox farm big bloom, which to my understanding is organic and would be quite hard to burn my plant with, but like I said I only used it once. Also, I've researched for hours about starting 12/12 from seed and it seems to work fine for most people, I...
  8. B

    First grow, I'm not sure what the problem is? help!

    Hey guys, I just recently decided to try to grow my own. For my first grow I'm just using bagseed, so as not to waste money incase I mess something up. I'm also starting 12/12 straight from seed. I don't have much to work with; so far I have: 150w HPS 2x 26w daylight cfl I know right off...