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  1. scoobster0503

    Nor Cal Shrooms ID please

    i most definately aint dumb enough to eat an unidentified fungi, ive decided against eating any of them but stuff am deciding to take a couple of the more pristine samples and dry them out and call it the beginning of a collection, after i slept on it i decided i should spend quite some time...
  2. scoobster0503

    Nor Cal Shrooms ID please

    i guess the only thing that had me hoping for friscosa mushies was just dreamin big lol, no purple spore print they were found in a horse pasture but i only found the mushrooms growing in poo around trees if that makes any difference, i mean no wood chips but lots of old dead branches on the...
  3. scoobster0503

    Nor Cal Shrooms ID please

    whoa there i wasnt insulting your friends at all i thought it was odd which was why i asked, i have been looking up a few different field guides and was thinking of settling on Mushrooms Demystified by David Arora what ive read on it points towards it being the book for me being on the west...
  4. scoobster0503

    Nor Cal Shrooms ID please

    yeah i wouldnt eat them without a positive ID what im suspecting it to be is a cyan sub-species i do believe but im not for sure but the area it was found, environment and just about everything ive looked up pictures and information are pointing to this one species but i am a newb not an expert...
  5. scoobster0503

    Nor Cal Shrooms ID please

    k so im in nor cal between sac and oregon border, got a random hair up my ass to look up mushies and try to find some. just goit done with a bunch of rain so decided was good a time as any. went and searched in a family members horse pasture this is what a found scattered in the horse poo. spore...
  6. scoobster0503

    Air pump size question. DWC noob.

    has anyone sucessfully sound proofed one of these commercial pumps without having it burn up? i sound proofed mine and the motor burnt out within a few hours not my most brillian airpumpt idea but i had to do something back to my cheap ss aquarium air pump
  7. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    day 21 updated pictures the remaining baby is doing very well im germin a sister for her to grow alongside in soil and see how they compare the pics are poor quality cuz all i got is my phone camera. lots of side branching already
  8. scoobster0503

    Light distance issue...

    just do the LST thing it really does work and unless you tie the top of your plant to the base of the stalk it wont make your girl hermie. hence the name low stress training. poke a hole in the top on the side of your pot and pull the pul down and inch or 2 every day. prolly easier then choppin...
  9. scoobster0503

    I can't figure this one out... rusty spots...

    do you have a good magnifying glass? i was just reading u on thrips and it looks like it possibly matches early thrip damage and what i was readin was saying they are about the size of a pinhead to invisible to the naked eye basically. also with RO water you need to supplement EVERYTHING try...
  10. scoobster0503

    I guess this is a spider mite--it just seems kind of big from what Ive read

    neem oil is great but be careful how much often you apply. weeks and weeks of neem oil build up can clog your leaves pores and cause a problem too. i say get your hands on some dietemacius earth and sprinkle a fine layer of that inside your box/tent room whatever. it basically leaves micro cuts...
  11. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    alright so my plant knew i was bout ready to give up on it. tonight i checked on it and it has taken off. roots have hit the water and growth is finally happening again. ive decided to start germinating my other seed and run it in a hydroton, perlite, and coco mix. gonna see which one does...
  12. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    k bailin on this journl. lost 1 baby the other aint doin good. if things pick up ill update it if not im either going to do a 4 plant scrog or a mini sized SOG but was wondering if anyone has tried any gods gift? i got a buncha strains i can choose from on my future grow and im thinking either...
  13. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    feel free to hop in any time people. any suggestions or questions.
  14. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    so its day 8 since i started germin my seeds. theyve been in hydroton for 6. second set of leaves is popping through. if it aint one thing its another i got my pump quiet enough and all the padding around the box caused it to overheat so back to the cheap 10$ pump. gonna get another one and just...
  15. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    i quit bein lazy and installed my ventilation system today cost bout 30 bucks in total the ducting cost the most using a 78 cfm computer fan i picked up at radio shack for 10 bucks. wired it with an old ac adapter from some old comp speakers. soon as i plugged it in within about 10 minutes my...
  16. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    so i was thinking that the seedlings were maybe going into some kind of shock from the HPS light being about 16 inches away from them so i moved the light up about 3 1/2 feet from the tops of the buckets and both have opened up got some pics camera still broke, theyre from my phone so not the...
  17. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    k no pics yet camera got broke. babies have been put into their hydroton homes but idk if theyre liking it. they havent grown much since i put them in yesterday. guess only time will tell wish me luck
  18. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    with new air pump my buckets are like bubble volcanosa now
  19. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    haha sick massive colas, k so upgraded a few things today i wasnt happy with things. went from my walmart air pump to an eco air commercial 3 airpump, it pumps 65ltrs/minute 35 watts. also ditched the little stick airstones and got a 4" rund airstone to go in each bucket also picked the...
  20. scoobster0503

    first auto, first dwc, first journal

    thats pretty sick dude i hope mine turn out that big im shootin for the magic number i hear everyone throwin around of an o a plant but my goal is to work maily with autoflowers i wanna get a method down to get the 2-3 oz ive heard to be possible every now and then