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  1. bjm201

    dwc - power outage

    Ok so after some research I answered my own question Here is air pump that when the power goes out automatically switches to the battery and runs for 12 hours if anyone else worries about the same problem Azoo Non-Stop Air Pump with Battery Backup - AquaCave
  2. bjm201

    dwc - power outage

    yeah I guess it would be logical to think some of the smaller air pumps may have a battery back up option. I know nothing about electricity but I cant imagine a battery back up on an air pump that is 30-60 watts. am I wrong about that?
  3. bjm201

    dwc - power outage

    Question for anyone experienced with dwc. Obvisouly one cant always be around to tend ones garden 24 hours a day/7 days a week. What happens if the power goes out at your place? Obviously the plants could probably survive without lights for a while. I understand it may cause problems but...