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  1. eaigner1013

    Unexpected Overcrowding Issues

    This is our first grow and we chose the bathroom tub to house 5 clones, 1 of which is a runt, but still growing every day and is now slightly more than half the size of the rest. The hood is a Sun Systems XXXL 6" and our flowering was delayed a few days to get the free 5th clone and they were...
  2. eaigner1013

    AzaMax, plus drench method (use it in soil)

    I just recently had a spider mite problem and was also told to use AzaMax. I was told to mix it with mostly water and drench (spray) the leaves on top and bottom once a week for 3 weeks. I just did my 3rd treatment and haven't seen signs of spider mites in days. Hope your mites die off too!
  3. eaigner1013

    Nutrient Burn Help

    All of the leaves on AK have curled slightly downward. I won't have a camera for a few more days, but was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what is wrong?
  4. eaigner1013

    Nutrient Burn Help

    So for my watering today I fed our other 3 clones 1/3 gallon of 6.0 PH H20 and our AK-47 12 gallons :) Is there something I will need to do in order to dry it out? Also, when should I start feeding her nutrients again? It has been 6 days since they have received a feeding with nutrients, but the...
  5. eaigner1013

    Nutrient Burn Help

    I was also curious what would happen if I left it untreated and just fed them pure H20 instead for the next few feedings? Will my plant die?
  6. eaigner1013

    Nutrient Burn Help

    OK, thanks for your help. I will try it next feeding
  7. eaigner1013

    Nutrient Burn Help

    We only usually feed them 1/4 gallon of water at a time so I was just curious about 15 gallons being an over water and killing them?
  8. eaigner1013

    Nutrient Burn Help

    Our AK-47 is showing signs of nutrient burns on two big leaves and I was looking for some help on proper flushing. The plants are in 5 gallon drums so should I just put 15 gallons of water in it? Do I put the water all in at once? What do I do after I put the water in? Do I have to do something...
  9. eaigner1013

    Does my plant have Spider Mites?

    Thanks, I will try both neem oil and lady bugs and see how they do. How many lady bugs should each plant get?
  10. eaigner1013

    Does my plant have Spider Mites?

    Where is a good place to buy, and how should I apply? Do I spray on the leaves or add to the nutrients? Also, are we sure they are mites? Will neem oil hurt our plants if they don't have mites?
  11. eaigner1013

    Does my plant have Spider Mites?

    No webs yet, but more and more leaves are showing up with spots each day including the neighboring plants. How did spider mites get their in the first place? They probably showed up on the first leaf 4-6 days into transplanting our clones. Is Neem oil the best solution? Where is the best place...
  12. eaigner1013

    Does my plant have Spider Mites?

    There have been green spots on some of the leaves of my Island Sweet Skunk and it is spreading to more leaves. Does anyone know what this is and what I can do?
  13. eaigner1013

    Our First Grow: MH400/HPS600 Jack The Ripper/Buddha's Sister/AK-47/Island Sweet Skunk

    Day 10: -Moved fan closer and put on higher speed. -Fed 1 gallon of 6.0 PH H20 dispersed amongst the 4 clones. Day 11: -Nothing to report Day 12: -Fed 1 gallon of nutrient solution, but we are now doing 3 tsp Grow Big instead of 2 and 2 Tbl Big Bloom. -Added PVC pipes to help support the...
  14. eaigner1013

    Our First Grow: MH400/HPS600 Jack The Ripper/Buddha's Sister/AK-47/Island Sweet Skunk

    Day 7: -Nothing to report Day 8: -Added some more soil so the plants would take hold better. -Fed plants 1 gallon of nutrient solution (2 tsp Grow Big, 2 Tbl Big Bloom) between the four clones. Day 9: -Some concerns about the dots on Island Sweet Skunk and burns on some of the leaves on...
  15. eaigner1013

    Our First Grow: MH400/HPS600 Jack The Ripper/Buddha's Sister/AK-47/Island Sweet Skunk

    Day 4: -Buddha's Sister looks to have the driest soil, but they are all pretty dry. -Mixed 1 gallon of 6.0 PH H20 with 2 tsps. Grow Big and 2 Tbl. Big Bloom and fed equally to the 4 clones -All clones look much bigger with AK-47 and Island Sweet Skunk growing the most new leaves. -Temperature...
  16. eaigner1013

    Our First Grow: MH400/HPS600 Jack The Ripper/Buddha's Sister/AK-47/Island Sweet Skunk

    Saturday 5/15/10 Day 1: Transplanted clones around 2 pm. They were driven about 45 minutes from their home to reach us and looked a little sickly when we transplanted them. We used Happy Frog Potting soil and 5 gallon drums with draining holes. We wanted to start with some Indica strains and...
  17. eaigner1013

    Our First Grow: MH400/HPS600 Jack The Ripper/Buddha's Sister/AK-47/Island Sweet Skunk

    Hello, My girlfriend and I just started our first grow last week and we want to keep a journal for easy access to help or any other concerns we might have. We planted 4 clones from our local dispensary and put them in Happy Frog Potting Soil along with a Root stimulant. We used Earth Juice...
  18. eaigner1013

    I saw your post on Blaze's wall. Where are you going to be in Colorado? I was just wondering...

    I saw your post on Blaze's wall. Where are you going to be in Colorado? I was just wondering because I moved to Summit County about 3 mos. ago. It's an amazing grow area with lots of knowledgeable people who know what they're talking about.