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  1. I

    The Middle East

    Has there ever been peace in this region of the world? Ever? Just thought I'd ask because why don't we just let them be and kill themselves?
  2. I

    Trump for president.

    Idk I honestly could seriously see myself voting for him, how about you guys?
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    Oops on global warming

    Omg I totally thought you were serious there for awhile for the whole first half, than I got through and I was like WHOA didn't see that coming hahahaha. Sorry little medicated :bigjoint:
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    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    You know your a stoner if you go upstairs to go the bathroom to pee, brush your teeth instead go downstairs and realize you still have to pee. Lol just happened
  5. I

    For Real Stoners....

    A real stoner does everything just as good as sober people, but while high so it's better :D