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  1. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    I honestly dont know how you havent went on a rampage and pulled the bud off and smoked that sexy shit.
  2. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Thanks man,its CH9 Super haze,been growing the same strain for a while now,i really like it. Yeah man, true comment about the not super frosty doesnt mean its not good. the trainwreck i always get is never frosty, but that shit always knocks me on my ass.
  3. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    these are my plants from some bagseed. got it from my buddy in a bag of crippy :D well here they are 1 month old.
  4. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Growing Outdoors during the day, and Indoors during the darkness.

    because the outside light is so much better, but when night time comes, put them inside under light.
  5. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Growing Outdoors during the day, and Indoors during the darkness.

    Just wondering if this would work. The thought popped into my head the other day and i thought i would get someones opinion on this. basically, they will be inside from midnight-7AM. then 7AM til midnight
  6. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good
  7. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Dubstep. Listen to this while your BAKED.
  8. Xi Lt Steve iX

    newbies 1st grow plz help with few questions! from one pothead to the next

    You are probably watering that shit too much. your pots look super wet. chill out wiht waterin for a few days and see whats up.
  9. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    HAHAHA i knew you guys would make fun of mah pics :P i would have used my other camera but i dropped it in mah pool. ill take better pics lol.
  10. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Just a few questions from a newbie.

    yeah man i know what your sayin, I been trying to get more lights, but i only get paid every two weeks..haha. but these plants are VERY strong, like seriously i've already transplanted them 3 times and there growing just fine, just need more light. Also, about them being in a group is a funny...
  11. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Just a few questions from a newbie.

    i know, but 13/11 is REALLY close to 12/12, and that lets the plants know that winter has arrived, so there just gonna go into flowering. btw heres some pics if you guys are interested. (my cameras really shitty so bear with me.)
  12. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    These are my plants :D some are 20 days old, and others around 7 days old. some chose to sprout up late :(
  13. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Just a few questions from a newbie.

    Thanks for the help Burger. This sunday will be the 3rd week of growing. The only problem with putting them outside, is it gets dark around 7:30 here, and sun comes back up around 6:30. 13/11 just doesnt seem right for growing..
  14. Xi Lt Steve iX

    What is K2

    Hmm. well i've went into the local head shop here and asked for K2, he said "sorry man, we dont sell that here anymore." he proceeded to turn around and give me a 3 gram bag of this stuff called "Happy Shaman Herbs". He told me it was "The same thing". went home and smoked it, and i could not...
  15. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Reasons grasscity blows compared to rollitup

    to be honest i signed up for GC, and NEVER got a confirmation E-mail, therefore my ACC was never confirmed. So, i came to RIU and im glad i did.
  16. Xi Lt Steve iX

    Smokers, With Smoking Talents.

    I can blow smoke rings into the Audi symbol, like on the car. I can blow mushrooms that go right up under my eyes. oh and once we got a little waste basket like from the bathroom, and got a big ass 3 gram bowl and made a make shift gravity bong. We all got into the pool, and they lit the FULL...
  17. Xi Lt Steve iX

    NL vs. Train wreck vs. Mothership?

    hmm. Its hard to choose between Nl and Trainwreck. Twreck is my FAV strain out there, but NL also makes me feel like no other. I personally would have went with the NL as well, because i've had Twreck a number of times more than NL
  18. Xi Lt Steve iX

    How often could I smoke and keep a low tolerance?

    Hey man, When i first started smoking alot of dank, I would only smoke on weekends and go hard as hell on friday and saturday like 5 blunts of dank a day. Smoking on the weekends allowed for IF any tolerance to lower during the week and i'd still get FUCKED on the weekends.