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  1. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    1st grow. These appear to be flowering nicely, but I see some flowers that appear to be drooping and browning (and not in a good way). As you'll see, there is the healthy top flower in the background, with two drooping flowers in the right and left foreground. Any ideas? And if all is normal...
  2. S

    Why Fox Farms and not just fish emulsion?

    Thanks for your input, everyone, and you guys arguing over in the corner arguing about those pictures, break it up, break it up. Why don't you go have a beer together and cool down?
  3. S

    Why Fox Farms and not just fish emulsion?

    I see in the threads that lots of growers swear by nutrients from Fox Farms. I checked out their site and saw the nutrient composition levels and the price. So I ask you, why would you spend so much on something like FF Big Bloom as opposed to comparatively inexpensive fish emulsion or kelp...