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  1. Canadian.Cannabis

    When will budding start on my clones in southern ontario?

    im in northern ontario and my plants just started to produce pistils maybe 4-5 days ago and they re 2 months old
  2. Canadian.Cannabis

    Stole My Plants.....

    wow bummer i have the exact same problem except someone found my plants and just destroyed them all out of 15 plants i found 3 that were able to survive being burried by the soil they grew in.. all my plants were turned over with the dirt covering them so it obviously wasnt an animal, i live in...
  3. Canadian.Cannabis

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Looks like it might be spidermites buddy, not sure how to cure that problem though.. lol
  4. Canadian.Cannabis

    How often do I need to water?

    I agree i water mine about every 2 days, they are in holes that are about the size of a 2L bottle cut in half, what i am in the process of "jimmy rigging" is a 5 gallon pale with sum 1/2 inch tubing with 2 tiny holes on each side, of each plant kinda like an C around the plant itself with a slow...
  5. Canadian.Cannabis

    Is Miracle Grow really the devil???

    sonar my plants have been outside for about 2 1/2 weeks and are the exact same size BUT before i put them outside i had them indoors and transplanted them into bigger pots with MG potting soil with added nutrients the plants are now 5 weeks old and still that size... i think MG sucks balls i...
  6. Canadian.Cannabis

    Plant Height, Planting Date

    I planted my seedlings outside when they were about 2-3 inches off the ground and they really havent grown much since, its been about 2 1/2 weeks, now i live in northern ontario (sudbury area) and its just starting to get hot outside and only my leaves have been growing(very slowly) so i think...
  7. Canadian.Cannabis

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I just transplanted my plants about 3 days ago into bigger pots with better soil hoping it would help them grow but since i put them outside about 10 days ago they havent grown or made any improvment.. i water them everyday and have them coverd a bit passed the clover leaves... its a bit chilly...
  8. Canadian.Cannabis

    First outdoor grow, please help

    my plants are about 4 weeks old and are a bit smaller than the ones in your pics.. i had them inside for 3 weeks and they grew fast and healthy then when i put em outdoors they started to look like they were dying n shit n havent progressed any since... i have alot of yellow/white dead leaves...
  9. Canadian.Cannabis

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    It seems as if my plants have a nitrogen deficiency but i just transplanted them into new pots with miracle grow potting soil with added plant food and its got 0.14,0.14,0.14 minimum nutrients... now i have them outside with 2 litre bottles as a greenhouse effect and they seem to be fine since...
  10. Canadian.Cannabis

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hey whats up man I live in northern ontario and its still kinda chilly out no frost though, its also pretty windy so i have my plants started outside at 3 weeks old in a margerine container and a 2L bottle covering for wind resistence/greenhouse but i went to go check on em this morning and it...
  11. Canadian.Cannabis

    Too early to put out?

    I live in northern canada and put my plants out with a 2 litre bottles covering each of them, is this a good idea?
  12. Canadian.Cannabis

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Yeah i can bring them inside for a week or two but i can not provide them with full force lighting cuz i live with my g/f's parents and its a small house.. will just a ceiling light work 4 now :S il be putting up sum pics of them later today when i can find the damn camera
  13. Canadian.Cannabis

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    well i woke up and went to go look at them and now the leaves are whiter and more dead looking curled up and what not but there are still a couple leaves growing from the middle of the plant (3rd set) i put sticks up like u said (helped lots) and the regualr low temp here is about 9oC and in mid...
  14. Canadian.Cannabis

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    I had my plants on a 13 light 11 dark routine since germination then put them outside after about 2 weeks, now 2 things are bothering me 1. its kinda windy and my little plants are blowing all over the place is that bad?? and 2. the leaves seem weak and limp and are turning slightly white and...