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  1. S

    Is it ok to smoke/vaporize marijuana after angioplasty/heart attack?

    Angioplasty is when they open your artery with a balloon and they put a stent, inside your artery so it cannot collapse and cause another heart attack. My friend got Angioplasty 9 days ago, is it safe for him too vaporize? or will it make his heart beat faster. he is taking aspirin and blood...
  2. S

    Safety of consuming (non-illegal) substances ordered online?

    well, whats more important your life or the money you spend. never know what shit these sites sell.<br>
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    Safety of consuming (non-illegal) substances ordered online?

    Galantamine is an alkaloid that is obtained synthetically or from the flowers of the Caucasian (Voronov&#8217;s snowdrop), Galanthus woronowii (Amaryllidaceae) and related genera like Narcissus (daffodil), Leucojum (snowflake) and Lycoris including Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily),Galantamine...
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    hey guys.

    hey guys, i'm a new member of the site, and a long time smoker. And i thought, This site seems chill and relaxed, so i joined, i've learnt a lot from here previously, but never actually got the time too make any posts, either too stoned, or working sadly :(. well i have a bit more time now so i...
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    best time to find mushrooms?

    That's just a wee bit dangerous, I wouldn't Eat any mushroom growing on crap, I would take pictures, And look pictures of Actual magic's. in other words do A lot of research.
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    Japanese Red Maple (must see)

    can we try smoking the leaves?