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  1. bighairywhiteboy

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    Hey DB and LX - Quick question - Why can't I PROMOTE a Harvest? The only way I can see a Harvest on the HOME tab is to enter a Date of Cure Start. Is this by design or do I need to go and enter another Issue Tracker item? Sorry about posting here but I had to give the CodePlex place a break...
  2. bighairywhiteboy

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    DB - Yes I have an account there now and I did post what (I hope) is clarification to the tab/text/info request. Will attach a Excel file up on the Codeplex place to show you some ideas of things. I can't take credit for the spreadsheet just the final product. I found it at a couple of places...
  3. bighairywhiteboy

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    First, to all the dads out there, Happy Father's Day! Enjoy your day, I'm trying but my damn kids keep bothering me. But what are they for anyways huh? Hey no prob on the feedback, I am more than happy to do this, benefits me as well as everyone else who uses it. Found a few more things you...
  4. bighairywhiteboy

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    I probably should have read the "About" tab to learn about the free thing huh? Note to all who read this:Read the instructions before operating. :) Like the new version, have tried everything out at least once but will continue to mess with it to see what I can find for you all. I like...
  5. bighairywhiteboy

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    Trying this software out and I must say on first go around it is impressing me. It would be nice to see all the features work but I understand all good things take time. Keep up the good work on and I look forward to another release with more goodies in it. Being able to hook up web...