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  1. NeebersCant

    Growing in a tree

    Yeah, I found that unnecessary myself. It's not like I said I'm hiding a mass quantity. and it definitely doesn't make the weed smell like a dryer sheet, and it doesn't even come close to making it taste like it. Like I said, the weed is wrapped in a bag and then a dryer sheet thrown in around...
  2. NeebersCant

    Growing in a tree

    I don't know if it'd work for a lot of weed, but when I have weed or roaches that I bring into the house. I usually put them in a container, and put a fabric softener sheet in with it. It pretty much covers all the smell while in a sealed container and those sheet things, especially if you just...
  3. NeebersCant

    The clone of the purple plant lives!!

    Yes, I love when weed's look like they've been drinking some purple koolaid. It makes em look great.
  4. NeebersCant

    The clone of the purple plant lives!!

    And the plant in your attached. I could definitely say. "you got the yurples cuddy??!??" It's looking perty.
  5. NeebersCant

    The clone of the purple plant lives!!

    Yes grapes are good!!! Ha. in my area, it looks like the grapes are dominantly purple widow. But occasionally you get a very vibrant purple strain.
  6. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    Oh yeah, no one answered my series/parallel circuit question. I'm just going to take an assumption saying series in better. And that is what I will use for my sprouts/clones next grow.
  7. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    Well my dog ate the female plant. Because I always let her smoke with me. She is a pothead. And she knows there is a weed plant in the back of my yard. which is about half an acre. And for my area, that is very big. And I'm easily capable of hiding many plants in my yard. Especially since my...
  8. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    =[ I'm so depressed. I wanted the seeds. But my dogs retarded ass ate the female. No seeds, nor buds... If I leave the male. is it possible he'll try to pick up the whole job himself. and produce seeds?
  9. NeebersCant

    So I made a reflector out of Roofing Coil. *pics*

    They look like zip ties. Nice setup.
  10. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    That is awesome. That is pretty much what mine looked like at the start. The only difference is, they were "always" within .5"-1.5" difference in height. And I thought they were like under half an inch away from each other at the base... but now that I look really close, they're defeinitely...
  11. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    Did it have buds while it got preggo, or no? Because mine definitely got no buds, I just want them for seeds now. But I think with what my current supplies are. I think it'd be easiest for me to clone the two, and put them in a cfl box.
  12. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    Alright, haha.
  13. NeebersCant

    The clone of the purple plant lives!!

    Ah, I see. Yurples cuddy. Is basically saying "you got grapes bro". Something like that. I guess it's a thing only people say around my area.
  14. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    So today I looked at my two plants. They are both for certain, a girl and boy. I thought the girl was smaller, but I was mistaken. Today I noticed the smaller one, it has those little sack things, I'm assuming they're called stamens. Therefor making it a boy, correct? Since it's starting to get...
  15. NeebersCant

    The clone of the purple plant lives!!

    Are those buds on it? Got the yurples cuddy?
  16. NeebersCant

    Best pest deterrent ever!!!!

    That would suck to see the mantis's die. I think I'm gonna get a praying mantis, and tie em on a string. Put his ass on lock down.
  17. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    Yeah, sorry I don't have a camera. I'm almost guaranteed it is one seed, because that is all that was thrown into there. It is probably 3 months old I'm going to assume. Nothing special. It's a seed from some nice weed I buy from some guy. But I only had a few seeds. When it sprouted two, I just...
  18. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    Well I asked my dad, since he just came back home. He said I should just leave them be. Since it's already too late in the season for it to be that great. He said I should be lucky enough to atleast get them to pollinate each other. And get seeds for next year.
  19. NeebersCant

    2 Plants from one seed!!

    I got two plants from one seed, and one is absolutely a female. The other is not identifiable yet. But I'm almost positive it is a male.
  20. NeebersCant

    1 seed. 2 plants.

    my brother threw a seed in a bucket probably 3-4 months ago, and it was definitely one seed and sprouted two plants. Just recently while looking at it, I noticed only one of them is identifiable as a girl. How often does that happen, two plants one seed, and both being opposite sex? I'm just...