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  1. BlackFinger

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    I hear ya man. I did not mean any disrespect just stating how my mind operates. Some people will do anything to be right, I can see your not like that; hence the props and rep. That comment was more for the sake of putting the question out there so people think and research what they hear and...
  2. BlackFinger

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Whew, tension tension... I have an open minded opinion on these theories 1) Pictures are only as honest as the people taking them (Did you lollipop or use any other tech.?) Not saying your dishonest just stating how paranoid I am. 2) Can't really argue with science... On the same note...
  3. BlackFinger

    Blunts First Harvest! Lots o' Pics

    First off like the fella said above you tar is put into cigs as well as 140,000 other carcinogens... Marijuana has very little if any. comparing the two in terms of health marijuana wins by a land slide with health concerns even if you only smoke blunts and joints, it is still MUCH healthier not...
  4. BlackFinger

    Help My Veggie Garden Thrive!!!

    I have decided on growing square watermelons, going to home depot within this month to build my Plexiglas melon box's :). I think I am going to have pics up very soon been working on fixing the comp :) so hopefully a pic update in the next few days!
  5. BlackFinger

    Help My Veggie Garden Thrive!!!

    Lol... I suppose it is a wee bit nuts, but I am going to school for a degree eventually a phd in botany with a minor in either engineering or horticulture. So in other words I thoroughly enjoying growing pretty much anything. None the less here are some pics from a week ago and the set up now...
  6. BlackFinger

    When Will USA Fall?

    Lol why call somthing worse than a depression a recession? When your market value is in the negatives as opposed to when the "Great Depression" hit and the market went to $0.00 how can you be so calm about it? Just shows the arrogance of humanity and how Americans feel they are...
  7. BlackFinger

    Master kush

    There is no way you can claim OG Kush is better than Master Kush even granddaddy purps cant touch master. You must have bought a novice growers bag of the master. I have had all three strains from dispensaries so there were no questions about quality / actual strain. Like i said no fucking...
  8. BlackFinger

    Bout to harvest. Is this right?

    that looks like a mh use hps for flower... And what the hell is that white shit.... So weird. I hope you did'nt harvest the rest. Looks like they are WAY too early. You need to wait for the calyx to swell and the hairs receed then when its finally ripe it will get a tint or two darker...
  9. BlackFinger

    Help My Veggie Garden Thrive!!!

    Thanks guys. Yea I am dedicated to getting these 2 watermelons to work. I am in a tent so I was thinking a small hemp hammoc to hold the melons up or if i am lucky they will vine to the ground before they put off any melon (which i doubt will happen) I orig. had them in a big flat tub bed...
  10. BlackFinger

    Help My Veggie Garden Thrive!!!

    Is 10-10-10 an estimate? And with the lighting the 12/12 should trigger the fruiting/bud cycle? I have only grown tomatoes and their much prettier cousin so I am at a loss with this stuff. Sorry for all the duh questions. Do certain soils do better for certain veggies? Like airy soils or...
  11. BlackFinger

    Help My Veggie Garden Thrive!!!

    I have just started a little indoor garden :) and have no idea what I am doing. But here is the line up. 10x Cucumbers (Aero Spray System) 6x Tomatoes (Soil) 4x Watermelons (Soil) 9x Carrots (Soil) 6x Bell Pepper (Soil) I have a few questions 1) I tried researching and failed miserably at...
  12. BlackFinger

    Help My Clones!!!

    If you run buy a fountain fogger for 30$ and a tub with a lockable lid small for like 5$ you can make a excellent cloner i get roots on day 5 tops one girl I have of hash plant haze (not one of my fav strains) puts out roots in 3-4 days. Just keep the ph right and use h20 with some superthrive...
  13. BlackFinger

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    Bravo man I know this was made a while ago, but very intriguing. I am going to have to take some time later to read this. +Rep and subscribed great thread ( I love wells of information :) )
  14. BlackFinger

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    I can cope with what he is saying. He is basically saying it being completely legal would open up the market to mega corp's who already have the land, the gear, and the market cornered. I personally think it should be free and shared and putting a price on something so great is a shame...
  15. BlackFinger

    Should I start to flush now?

    No don't start your flush until all of the hairs are red. After that I would flush until the hairs recede into the calyx's. The plant will get a few tints darker. take pictures every day when you start flushing you will notice what I am talking about.
  16. BlackFinger

    SoG setup... need some input

    Your going for way too many plants. 1000 watts will fit about 20-30 properly spaced plants under it. You may be able to push 40 but thats plenty to harvest a good amount.
  17. BlackFinger

    Not exactly, the t8's will work though if money is an issue. Just make sure you get some...

    Not exactly, the t8's will work though if money is an issue. Just make sure you get some daylight spectrum and maybe cool white bulbs for it. Add cfls to the t8 floro and that should be plenty for veg. I got 2 3ft. moms and some doing fine off a 2ft. dual bulb t5 :).
  18. BlackFinger

    Going out of town, how do i water?

    I would just go out and build a drip system anyway so your not breaking your back watering them all the time. You can find tons of info on how to make them cheap online. Good luck
  19. BlackFinger

    This is really making me fustrated!!(Pics)

    What medium are you using? just rocks? is is ebb flow, bubbleponics, aero? What nutrients are they getting? Upgrade your lighting system look into t5 floro's they arnt too bad on price and work great for veg. Also when you see other people at 2 weeks veg is it from seed or clone?
  20. BlackFinger

    does darkness before harvest ACTUALLY do anything??

    LOL HAHA hohoho, "now it's a week or two? :shock:" FDD you seem as shocked as I am that this is still going someone needs to do a controlled test and make it a sticky to end this X X. I heard that if you leave it in a dark cycle for a month you get 500% thc and 2000% cbn everyone leave your...