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  1. J

    Are my plants growing slow for 15 days old

    low ryders always grow short and slow...dont worry
  2. J

    First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

    sweet pics...GREAT plant in such a small space!! hoping for the same outcome as you!
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    My Steralite CFL Grow

    i had the same problem when i was growing my low ryder...started off small and stunted but after the 2nd or third week it just shot right patient =]
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro

    1,5,6,8 are of the auto-blueberry 2,3,4,7 are the Thai-lights
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro

    didnt think anyone cared...YES!!!..updated to a 70w HPS and shes off!! first plant and i love of these babies grow will upload pics tnite
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro

    thx for that!! will look into the deficiency and prob turn the lights back up
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro i that much of a newb? no ones got anything to say?
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro

    VERY low smell and its looking like a very easy to grow plant so i recommend it! anybody else? looking for any suggestions on nutes might be a newb but im willing to learn!!
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro

    also DEFF any suggestions on NUTS and FERTS!!?? THX a bunch guys...i hope i get some to stick around
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    CFLs doing okay job? Maybe some suggestions?

    whats your growing space? or are they just in a corner?
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    Lowlifes Auto-Blueberry MICRO-Gro

    Finally decided to start a thread halfway thru my grow... im on the 9th day of 12/12 from 24/0 for 18 days Using MG African Violet potting soil with blood meal mixed in 1 tablespoon for about 8 square inches of dirt...roughly estimated from size of pots and soil Im currently using 2 2700K 23w...
  12. J

    FEMALEE!!!!?? pleaseee help!

    yea ive been lurking for fa few before i decided to get one im even smaller acually...i beileive the box is 14 side 16 deep and 20 high... so its about 2.5sqft i think? still though is i gotta go bigger halfway thru i will do so...really have a niche for carpentry and designing things...
  13. J

    FEMALEE!!!!?? pleaseee help!

    thx for the tips guys yea its a micro...well its a huge box to me but i guess im still a nooob haha but im a good learner so im hoping all you guys will take me in like family =D Never thought it would be the lights...always heard to get em as close as can be...i have a high cfm fan blowing...
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    FEMALEE!!!!?? pleaseee help!

    yea i was thinking about 10-12 more days thx dude!
  15. J

    FEMALEE!!!!?? pleaseee help!

    alright this is gonna be my secound question threada nd right as i put my babies into flowering im gonna create a grow journal Very small enclosure but im able to run 6 26w cfls without the temps getting over 80 degrees so im pretty happy with that, only problems ive been having are the...
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    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    GREAT OP! heard about you haha sitting back... sub'ed
  17. J

    Need help/advice...closet gets to hot with all the CFLs running.

    ive found that blowing intake onto the fans help ALOT in micro grows...puts the heat in motion and like onetitty said...gotta have fresh air from somewhere...made the same mistake in my first box thinking that it would recirculate but having the intake right on them ive been able to lower my...
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    First Closet CFL Grow

    how much did you end up with dry weight? the same sort of setup..add a couple more on sides for light penetration though
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    Number of CFL per plant

    go advanced lighting your draw is gonna be insane