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  1. H

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i grew ak47 in pots using micracle grow moisture control it worked fine nice big buds just that and water the problem with it is i wasn't wanting to add anything cos it doesn't tell you whats in it im usin biobizz all mix its got alot of nutrients but i have a chart with it showin what to add...
  2. H

    My First Grow 2 x 150watt CFL 15 Pictures!!!

    chill out a bit man they only babies they don't need nutes yet and let them dry out a little u have to go easy on them for first few week let th soil dry and just give em water ony when they need it when dry hope this helped
  3. H

    hiya im andy in scotland just setup my room for veg i have a 200 watt cfl my seeds are...

    hiya im andy in scotland just setup my room for veg i have a 200 watt cfl my seeds are germinating my last grow was ak47 uder 400 watt hps but the ballast is broken so i got a cfl for veg gonna setup a 400 watt hps for flowering i have loads of time anyone grow under cfl i could do with advise...
  4. H

    The UK Growers Thread!

    u must be in ireland lol