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  1. T

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hm, how near would you estimate? Are you talking about flushing? Or are you saying that they naturally do this in the flowering cycle...
  2. T

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I was wondering what's going on with my Sour D. It's gotten a ton of yellow leafs, looks like underwatering, probably nitrogen deficiency as well. Any idea on time until harvest? It's the one in the corner. Thanks guys.
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    So, at this point, would you invest in 1000w's, or should I keep growing on 600's in a setup like that, and just get better bulbs and air cooled hoods.
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    Solid state plasma, really? I was thinking about how much light our Plasma TV pumped out last night... I'll have to look into it, sounds cool. I was looking around and it looks like I'd be spending a good 4 times more to get technology that is equivalent to HPS lighting. Hard amount of money to...
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    You mentioned that they were still too pricy to get what you wanted, but what type of price would that be? What features and wattage would you basically target?
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    Looking great. Led's seem to provide really lush green flowering plants. Maybe less water loss through leaves than HPS? Do you have any idea of what type of investment they put into their lights to build? Know anyone who has built any high wattage LED's?
  7. T

    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    What do you think the equivalent of a 300 watt LED would be? Due to waste light, loss of strength going to plant, etc? I like the idea that I can basically place the LED's directly on top of the plants. Get the most out of my light, save my electricity too :D
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    It looks like a seriously nice unit, and their prices are really unbelievable. People are always talking about LED's being able to produce more dense nugs, is there any truth to this? Does anyone have sog style top cola dry weights with leds?
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    Any lights you know of that have specs like that?
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    I want to throw them into straight flowering. Do you happen to have a light meter on you? I'm wondering what "real" LED lm/m2 when the light is actually adjusted to cover a whole tray.The caveat of the project is I want to try and use conventional amounts of lighting, but a different source, ala...
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    I wouldn't do their lights. Way overpriced. These guys offer something similar for a bit less expensive. I dunno about the IR, is it necessary at all?
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    I may do it. I'm pretty sure they'd be able to do a 4x4 full of heavily trimmed top cola only bud, and get great penetration. It's going to be in a tent, so light is going to be radiated everywhere. I was looking at a unit from Desert Hydro. They have pretty good pricing...
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    Why I should try LED's on my next grow.

    Anyone got any opinions on the matter. I plan on doing a sog in an 8x8 space with 4 300w Led's. Something with the 660 band, as well as the 630. One thing I was trying to figure out was how much spread i would likely see with each light? Would each be able to cover a 4x4 tray well? Right now I'm...
  14. T

    Club 600

    Hey guys, first time grow, first time on a 600. It looks like these guys have great efficiency, I'm loving it so far. Have just a small closet grow. Plants are: Left Tray has a Sour Diesel(Taller, and unfortunately not too vegged out. Had major light shock) and a GDP. Those have vegged for...
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    Grow roots from branches, on already rooted plant?

    Haha, actually I was thinking about doing a single plant, that grows parallel to the ground. There wouldn't be any ground in my setup though.
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    Grow roots from branches, on already rooted plant?

    This may be a stupid question, but is it possible at all to grow a separate root system, on a plant that already has one in place? I would imagine it would be similar to cloning, but require the branch to be cut, rooting hormone to be placed on it, and for that new cutting to be placed in a...
  17. T

    Possible Light Shock, And Or Underwatering?

    I was thinking they were a tad bit droopy myself. The first thing I thought was possible light shock, just because of the new light. Also, because we're not used to the ambient heat of this light, we didn't really think that there would be that much evaporative loss. Either that, or maybe the...
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    Possible Light Shock, And Or Underwatering?

    Hey, just thought I'd see what you guys thought of this. The plants just were switched from CFL to MH, but stayed on the same exact light cycle. We're having some problems venting the area, but we've kept a fan blowing in the space. It's in a closet, and we leave the door open a bit with our a/c...