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  1. S

    Crap, spider mites and a MG def?

    Plants are around 3 weeks old, currently in veg state. Im using a soil/soiless mix and I water about every 3 days and have been putting in advanced nutrients micro,bloom,grow for the last two waterings. Most of the plants are looking healthy and nice, but one is showing cases of MG or maybe...
  2. S

    2nd week pics, how are they looking?

    both are lookin nice, its such a nice little hobby... I love to watch my babies grow
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    2nd week pics, how are they looking?

    Thanks for all the responses, I am keeping a little pic journal and will be trying to take pics every week or so.
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    2nd week pics, how are they looking?

    comon nothin? a simple , "nice" or "you suck dude" would do just fine
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    2nd week pics, how are they looking?

    Hey guys first time grower here, got 10 seeds of jamaican kush so i decided to make a little grow setup inside my closet. 2 weeks in and I got 8 of them to start growing nicely. I put a 250w hps about 20" away from them because i Just transplanted them into bigger pots about 3 days ago, and ill...
  6. S

    Check them Out!

    anything? comments, criticisms?
  7. S

    Check them Out!

    new member/grower here. Thought id post some pics of my week old jamaican kush. I have them in those biodegradable cubes with thunderhead soil and thought i could get some advice on when to transplant them into my 1gal as the roots are already growing out of the bottom. Also I am growing in a...