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  1. The Brown Bombadier

    Even when I'm wrong in right. How's the ladies up in the hills anything good going around if so...

    Even when I'm wrong in right. How's the ladies up in the hills anything good going around if so send some over the hill let us take swing at it.
  2. The Brown Bombadier

    Aircooled reflector?????? Good question!!!

    no disrespect you but chill and since you have no life read,homie
  3. The Brown Bombadier

    Growing in compost soil ?

    Has anybody just grown outdoor in just compost soil
  4. The Brown Bombadier

    Im a little worried about ordering seeds!!

    Try TGA you cant go wrong
  5. The Brown Bombadier

    Subcool's Super Soil

    hey guys, I just started to get my soil ready the only problemisis that i cant find Harvest Moon i found it in Oregon.I live near Oalkland Ca. do they sell it any closer than way up north?
  6. The Brown Bombadier

    Can Someone See How I Am Doin???????????????

    hey guys i'm new to the sight but i can answer some questios about getting started I've being growing for abot 5 years.And i have done plenty of wrong so i know what to no and not to do.
  7. The Brown Bombadier

    hey guys first time to post hope i'm doing it right,if so somebody hit me back at tell me what's up

    hey guys first time to post hope i'm doing it right,if so somebody hit me back at tell me what's up