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  1. biddy

    Best way to store pollen sacs?

    Thanks alot. I've been keeping them in jars after they dried out up in a cabinet. I accidentally made the mistake of not letting the sacs dry before I put a lid on the jar and it all molded over. But I won't make that mistake again. Lol. But does anyone know if the pollen can lose it's potency...
  2. biddy

    Best way to store pollen sacs?

    Ive spent like an hour researching what the best way is to store pollen sacs and I havent really gotten anywhere. Most things Ive read are just telling you how to collect the pollen and dry it and use it after it's dried. But I want to know what's the best way to store after Ive gotten the...
  3. biddy

    Should I use rain water or invest in a reverse osmosis machine?

    Im living in Mexico City right now and im trying to do a pretty decent size grow and Ive noticed recently that my plants are suffering. They all have yellow and brown spots in the leaves and the leaves are falling off on the bottom-most part of the plant. Im not really a newbie - but im not a...
  4. biddy

    what can I do to fix hard water without gettting a reverse osmosis machine?

    I forgot to mention im doing soil. and from what ive read soil ph should be like 6.5 to 7.0. Is that right? My plants are about 6 weeks old total including seedling stage and im about to flower in a few days. I would have flowered sooner but I had to wait until i got my hps setup. Im using...
  5. biddy

    what can I do to fix hard water without gettting a reverse osmosis machine?

    I think Ive finally figured out whats wrong with my plants. The bottom-most leaves are yellowing and falling off and some of the top leaves are getting brown spots and the tips are curled and burnt looking. Im pretty sure its not a nute problem because I have flushed twice since seeing the...
  6. biddy

    What have I been doing wrong?

    have them under a flourescent light as soon as they break ground. they need something to grow towards.
  7. biddy

    I finally got my seeds a few weeks ago after having to make another order. are you in df now? id...

    I finally got my seeds a few weeks ago after having to make another order. are you in df now? id love to trade some clones. lemme know
  8. biddy

    I cant figure out what is wrong with my Oaxacan Mexican Sativas...

    So im currently growing some bag seed I got here in Mexico. Half the seeds turned out to be very sativa and the other half are more indica looking hybrids. Im not having any problems with the indicas but the sativas just keep having one problem after another. Im not very experienced with growing...
  9. biddy

    Tips on faster vegging?

    One last thing that may help is that your light may be too close to your plants which is why they are too hot? 10 inches away seems close? With 400watt's most people keep their lights 18-30 inches away. Anyhow that might also help. Good Luck!
  10. biddy

    Tips on faster vegging?

    Hey bro whats up? I can tell you with a lot of certainty that your plants are too hot. You need to get that temperature down from 85 degrees to 75 degrees with 2-3 degree spike or drops throughout the day. 85 degrees is way way too hot. Also be careful not too over water or over feed with...
  11. biddy

    Anybody get their t-shirt & mug before their seeds on the Attitude 420 promo?

    I just got my t shirt and mug yesterday, but still no seeds. its been almost 21 business days and im starting to worry a little. Has this happened to anyone else? I feel stupid because I didnt get the stealth shipping option because i thought since they were sending a free tshirt and mug that it...
  12. biddy

    All of the free seeds are feminized, so we are hoping they will turn out okay. So it seems to be...

    All of the free seeds are feminized, so we are hoping they will turn out okay. So it seems to be pretty worth it to order from the The Attitude since they give a lot of free seeds away too depending on how much you spend. But that is if the seeds get here. I think they will since ive heard good...
  13. biddy

    Hola Que Tal? I am an American living in the D.F. with my husband. We are just starting our...

    Hola Que Tal? I am an American living in the D.F. with my husband. We are just starting our grow here. Right now we are just growing some Mexican Sativa Landrace seeds we got from a friend. Right now they are only just little seedlings but they seem to be growing very vigorously. I expect they...
  14. biddy

    Anyone know where to get lights and hoods in Mexico City?

    Im living in Mexico City right now and I am having a very hard time finding hoods/reflectors here. I found a store that sells HID's and Ballasts.. but the hoods are nowhere to be found. They don't have hydro/grow stores here since I guess its pretty rare to grow indoor here. Id rather not order...
  15. biddy

    Attitude seed bank question

    I just ordered from the The Attitude on 4-20-10. They threw in a bunch of free stuff with my order since it was 4-20. I'm a bit worried though since their tracking still says "processing/packing". But I've heard they are not great about updating their tracking stuff. I just hope my stuff gets...
  16. biddy

    Tuna Kush

    There is no actual strain called " tuna Kush" It was a name given to regular kush when people started packaging it in tuna cans. You can't obtain tuna kush seeds or clones. So whoever gave you these seeds was full of shit, or whoever he got them from screwed him over. Ive gotten the "tuna kush"...