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  1. D

    hey tokin hippy just ran across your thread and was wondering if that cat mouse odur eliminator...

    hey tokin hippy just ran across your thread and was wondering if that cat mouse odur eliminator works? im starting a stealth grow and i need a solution to odur, any info would be awesome Thanks, Daygo4lyfe
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    First Grow... plants drooping, have pics please help!!!

    Here are some more pics, their coming along beautifully ;]
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    First Grow... plants drooping, have pics please help!!!

    hey guys, we're 27 days into the vegetative state, i took more pics yesterday may 4th. i had to move the light up a little just recently because it seemed as though the leaves were starting to burn, what do you think? On the other hand, the upper stems got a lot stronger but the lower part of...
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    First Grow... plants drooping, have pics please help!!!

    Thanks everyone for your input, its helped a lot! Now we're going to be starting a new germination on a few new seeds soon, what's the best fertilizer to use if any? Also, any other suggestions for this new batch we're starting right off the bat? We want these ladies to be successful! :bigjoint:
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    First Grow... plants drooping, have pics please help!!!

    thanks guys, i put the lamp alot closer to the plants and it seemed to help them alot the stems are not thickening up that much i will post pictures later thanks again! also i purchased a 150 W Daylight light bulb its a reptile light bulb would that be a good bulb to add to the plants?
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    First Grow... plants drooping, have pics please help!!!

    Hey guys this is my first grow i have a 200 w Metal haloid light on the plants, and they are 14 days old i dont know if this is normal or not but from how they are looking its not doing so good. any suggestions please!!!!!!! the ladies need some help!!!:-(:wall: as u can tell the plants are...