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  1. Scrumscab

    Nirvana Shop - Review

    Nirvana has come through every time for me! Now if they can only bump up their genetics and THC levels, they could be a real contender. Nirvana will deliver, but not any knockout strains. Great for beginners who might fuck up and need to reorder quickly.
  2. Scrumscab

    Any info on Nirvana PPP or venus flytrap ??

    Venus Fly Trap scores high on all fronts except for potency. Easy to grow, 3 out of 5 (feminized) being superb yielders, strong skunky aroma, easy to manicure and just overall a beautiful looking plant, BUT I can smoke this stuff all day long without having the feeling that I need to stop...
  3. Scrumscab

    ***<<<powdery mildew and neem oil>>>***

    It is thrip damage.
  4. Scrumscab

    Grow Expo Los Angeles 2010

    Damn!!! I already bought my ticket before you posted the promo code. Thanks anyways. See you there.
  5. Scrumscab

    Grow Expo Los Angeles 2010

    I'm thinking about going but I don't know if the workshop seats are all reserved. They tell you it's a first come basis as far as signing up for the two free workshop. At this point are they all filled? Is there a way you can find out since you already have a ticket? Thanks. Would be much...
  6. Scrumscab

    Prey Mantis

    Preying Mantis are the shit. I only wish they would move around more and clean up like a vacuum cleaner. Most of the time they post up in one spot and wait for bugs to come to them. If they would roam more you probably wouldn't need anything else.
  7. Scrumscab


    I've just discovered that my fire ants are farming white aphids! That explains why only two plants had ants and the other 28 were untouched. At least I know they are not tearing up my plants like they did my sunflower. I imagine if I get rid of the aphids, then the ants will be gone as well. My...
  8. Scrumscab


    I came back from work to see that the top band of vaseline still on the stalk, though a bit dried out, and with no ants crossing. The bottom ring was still there as well, but a few ants can find a single path where the vaseline wasn't as thick, but are now stuck below the higher band. Their...
  9. Scrumscab


    I had to go to work this afternoon, so as an experiment I applied a ring of vaseline around the stalk at two different locations - one at the very bottom and one three nodes higher. I watched for two minutes after applying the vaseline and I witnessed plenty of ants on their way up turn right...
  10. Scrumscab


    That just may be the difference. I live in the dry Mojave desert and at this time of the year the only thing green are my plants. I imagine in the south with the much higher humidity they are looking more for food than a water supply, thus the reason why my infestation isn't that bad. They're...
  11. Scrumscab


    It just may be easier than I thought. I'm going to give a few of these a try.
  12. Scrumscab


    This post is so timely! I have two plants with the exact same problem. My plants are potted but recessed in the ground with the ants coming up through the drain holes. The infestation isn't too bad, but that's only a matter of time. I have two giant sunflower plants that are badly infested...
  13. Scrumscab

    NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

    I really hope you are successfull with your grow. I am so ready to jump over to LEDs, but just don't have the confidence yet. It would be nice to see your efforts change that. Whatever the results are, I'm sure we are going to learn a lot. Subscribed
  14. Scrumscab

    Someone Please Answer My Question Regarding Heating

    I remember growing in Big Bear Lake, CA during the winter. Had a 6' x 20' attachment built onto the garage and was running three 1000w HPS. During the coldest of the cold I would have to throw on a 1500w heater to maintain 68 degrees. The attachment had insulation as well. Being that you...
  15. Scrumscab

    Looking for A/C installers for new grow room

    I believe the same applies to California. Therein lies the problem - a project this size I think will inevitably will require professional installation. I don't know enough about A/Cs and don't want to go through the trial and error of doing it myself. The installation would occur before I...
  16. Scrumscab

    Looking for A/C installers for new grow room

    Is anybody familiar with an outfit from Las Vegas, NV that specializes in installing A/C units in grow rooms. A friend of a friend of a friend explained how he had installed an insane A/C unit in his grow room and it was these guys from Vegas and that's all they do. He explained how it was...
  17. Scrumscab

    56" x 56" tent lighting choice

    Where did you go to get all this? Are these considered good prices? Thanks.
  18. Scrumscab

    True One-Hitter Quitter - Which Strains?

    I'm looking forward to going back in time with five AG I'm growing from Barney's Farm. I never had the stuff you speak of as I was born in '74, so it would be nice to have someone who's had the experience to compare. I wonder if there will be any volunteers? LOL! As far as a...
  19. Scrumscab

    Ok... first time grow pics..."Mango Kush"

    That's something you will have to moniter on your own. After pouring the gallon and the water is absorbed is the pot fully saturated? When you come back in two days stick your finger in the soil to see how deep you have to go before hitting moisture. Do the same for the drain holes on the...
  20. Scrumscab

    Nb's 2010 Medical Medication Cultivation -Prop 215-

    I'm really looking forward to seeing this Martian Mean Green develop. I've heard good things about this strain. Should get a nice bush with the supercropping. I can't help but notice the red stems just below the leaves are screaming for nutes!