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  1. B

    persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!

    how much do need to drop temp of room to get as close as i can to optimal grow temperature? rooms about 88 these days, going to try raising light a bit. hopefully that helps. the leaves drop down and relax at about 82 it seems (checked temp 10 minutes after lights out). bongsmilie by the way, i...
  2. B

    Leaves pointing up?

    yeah man got the same problem, too much heat, might need to water more often (but not too much). im gonna try raising the light. try an exhaust fan out window in room. some one told me if you release co2 into room high temp wont be a problem, just give more co2. but i got no co2 so fuck that...
  3. B

    persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!

    Sounds like an awesome idea for the next grow. Going to have to pick a bunch up next time im outta town (closest place to get that shit is 8 hours away). Any other ideas? I put in exhaust fan in window near room today, also replaced 6 inch with 20 inch square fan (only cut a hole in the plastic...
  4. B

    first proper grow: Blue Cheese & Belladonna

    looks good to me
  5. B

    persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!

    Im thinking about 82 degrees F mid day usually. never mentioned i have no intake fan, but i was told if i make a few slits in the wall at the bottom opposite of the exhaust fan above that would be good enough for the small room. do you agree?
  6. B

    persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!

    awesome inline cooled light. pretty cool to make one yourself, thats the way i like doing it. but i just bought the one i have in there now. trying to do this simply, and there aren't any real grow stores here to get the supplies to build the air cooled light. i was thinking an 18"x18"...
  7. B

    persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!

    I read it in cervantes book. but you could be right. lets not start a big debate about this tho, gotta get my other questions answered too.
  8. B

    persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!

    fuck is this horiculture tuff. about 5 weeks into grow right now. first 4 weeks plants were grown with 4 3 foot t12 tubes (cool white, warm white alternating)+ 1 65 watt 6500 k work/floodlight+ 2 42 watt cfls (6500 k). it was a closet grow in a spare room. i picked up some supplies and recently...