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  1. S

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i have a question for you nobody else seems to be able to answer for diffrent strains have diffrent tolerences with watering and feeding? i have 4 strains on the same feeding regieme of witch 3 are doing fine look really healthy but i have one strain ( afghan kush ) that is shrivled...
  2. S

    please help my afghan kush is not kusht

    here is my afghan kush the droopy looking one in the middle , i feed these twice a day once when the lights go on and once befor the lights go off 400ml each hand fed with 4ml a + 4ml b 5ml of enzyme plus and 2 ml of nitro to each 2 lrts of water, they are in coco and clay pebble ( pebbles on...
  3. S


    yeh im using clay pebbles on top and bottom of pots and coco in the middle , using canna nutes 4ml a + b plus 5 ml of enzyme plus 2ml of nitro to every 2ltrs of water of witch i feed each plant 300ml once befor sleep and one when my lights come on, all my others are thriving ? Thanks
  4. S


    yeh im using clay pebbles on top and bottom of pots and coco in the middle , using canna nutes 4ml a + b plus 5 ml of enzyme plus 2ml of nitro to every 2ltrs of water of witch i feed each plant 300ml once befor sleep and one when my lights come on, all my others are thriving ? Thanks Guys
  5. S


    any clues whats wrong with this plant? 30 days old with others and all the rest are fine? thanks
  6. S


    got salt on my young ones? any advice on how to aviod this ? cannt upload any pics because it askes me for a url?
  7. S

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    any one know how to aviod salt build up ? i have some on my leaves and the clay pebbles and advice? can this damage my plants?