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  1. oGzeR707

    What Is Your Drying Method??

    thats not what im asking bro. im not a noob. i was asking how you dry. not to direct me to somewhere else.
  2. oGzeR707

    What Is Your Drying Method??

    So How does everyone dry their weed? Im looking for a recomendation or two. Just curious to know how YOUR doing it and what has worked best for you. I have had problems making mine smell like what im used to buying. The quality of my bud has been awesome so far . its just when i dry it the end...
  3. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    im workin with a cabinet. i got one light. and i have nowhere else to put more plants. so i usually try to find clones then go for it. no time or place to have veg and flower at same time. i wish. i would be doin it big by now. plus i grow only three times a year cuz the cost of electricity out...
  4. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    i GOOGLED AND CANT FIND OUT HOW LONG A SEED TAKES TO FORM INTO A MATURE READY TO PICK SEED. there really isnt much information anywhere about seeds unless you want to buy them. i dont want to end up with a seeded plant. i want to end up with a plant with usefull seeds. know what i mean...
  5. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    thats what im trying to find out as well bud. lol. sounds like a killer idea though dont it. I NEED TO FIND OUT HOW LONG IT TAKES TO FORM A FULL BLOWN SEED. I ONLY HAVE 3 WEEKS LEFT.
  6. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    I found this on this site. in the growfaq LIGHT-POISONING METHOD: During the first three weeks of flowering, turn the lights on for an hour during the middle of the dark period. That is, 12 hrs. on, 5.5 hrs. off, 1 hr. on, 5.5 hrs. off, and repeat for the first 3 weeks, after which you may...
  7. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    OK. sO light on a plant during dark hours will make it hermie. done deal... Now how to keep the rest for going hermaphradite as well. does it happen? will it spread?...oh yeah since im using clones. my seeds should be feminized when im done right? that would be freaken awesome.
  8. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    ok. I just looked in the GROWFAQ and seen how to make a feminized seed. it said once done it will turn all plants in the room hermie. I dont want this. Is there something i can do to keep it just on one plant? will it ruin my bud? or just put seeds in it? keep in mind i really dont mind seeds. i...
  9. oGzeR707

    I WANT TO HERMIE!!!...can u help?

    HeLLo..... I want/need seeds. would love seeds especially of the purple clones i have right now. is there ways i could hermie just one of my six plants? I grow in a supercloset(homemade). I have six purple haze clones. using soil. im on the 5th week of flowering. i have a pic. i cant afford how...
  10. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    expensive yes. BUT this is the only indoor garden which can pay for itself! so its worth it. co2 setup huh. wow. ima have to step my game up! i use dry ice.LOL. I really want to get another cab and put it directly behind this one, cut out the back of them and tape them together and maximize my...
  11. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    Lol... Yeah when it happened last night i was thinking of all kinds of shit. i mostly was thinking oh fucking well theres an eclipse once and a while right? lol. i never thought of clouds. but yeah...oh well shit happens. THANKS FOR YOU INPUT EVERYBODY! GREATLY APPRECIATED.
  12. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    wow 2500??? are you serious i wanna see your shit man. i already had a light so i didnt include that. plus i got my cab from work for free. alls i had to buy was the reflection shit(bubble wrap stuff) 2 intake 4" fans and ducting. 1 outtake 6" fan and ducting. ummm...thats about it. i mean the...
  13. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    Fuck no i wouldnt kill them. dont know what i would do uhh... maybe kick myself in the ass a few times. i basically just needed to know if its gonna do major damage likle start to hermie. its for personal use so i guess it doesnt matter. but they stink sooo good and i really dont want seeds in...
  14. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    I Got 6 in there. i made a cabinet. its a mock of the supercloset. dont know if you seen one before on the web. but they go for like $2500. shit made mine for under $200. sweet deal too. I only have a 1000watt hps. so its better in the winter until i buy a stronger exhaust fan for my light. i...
  15. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    yeah this is the first and only time this happened. it isnt my first grow but to be honset its my best so far to date. Then i had to go do this bullshit. I just wanted to see if i messed it up. Right on for the comfort man. appreciate it.
  16. oGzeR707

    My Lights Went Out!!!

    Hey I accidently hit the damn light switch. It shut my light off. It took about three minutes to turn back on. Im 5 weeks into flowering. Any Damage done here???...... man i used to have duct tape on the light switch so this type of shit wouldnt happen.
  17. oGzeR707

    HeY Check ThiS ouT!!!!.....HelP!?

    Nope. I wish. Then i would know why this is happening. But no bugs.
  18. oGzeR707

    My Plants Caught On Fire!!!

    Well its lookin like you have yourself a baby boy.... a lil early though but im leaning that way. Maybe there should be a fire after all!
  19. oGzeR707

    HeY Check ThiS ouT!!!!.....HelP!?

    Wow 40 Views And Nothin To Say????? What Is The World Comin To?
  20. oGzeR707

    Leaves curling under,parts of leaves dieing PHOTOS

    what are you using for ph down? maybe its that? doesnt sound like its doing its job so well. cuz 5.2 is damn low. thats hydro shit going on there. shouldnt you be giving them around 6.5-7.0? you are workin with soil right? ph fluctuation looks to be a main issue.