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    Will this be ok to grow out?

    so has anyone grown one like this? did it grow ok?
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    Will this be ok to grow out?

    Hi, yes it is.
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    Will this be ok to grow out?

    Hi, this is only my second grow. (I know its a crap piccy but best i can do right now.) 60 day wonder 2 days old. the first leaves are not round like usual and they have split away from each other. anyone else had this? is it common? will it grow ok you think? help me please. ta.
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    ok thanks dura. i did a quick google and holland and barrat do blackstrap so will try that. and yes i went to florida once walmarts are fuckin huge with fuckin huge aisles. lmao.
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    wow thanks for the advice. will deffo do all you said. one question though. i read somewhere about blackstrap mollases is that what i need or is it any type? thanks.
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    ok off to get those then thanks for the help.
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi thanks will look into those. are these all i will need? no micro nutes? or are they included. thanks
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi this is my first ever post just joined so be gentle with me. lol i am on my first grow which is a 60 day wonder (currently day 30). planted seed straight into 8" pot on windowsill for a couple of weeks then got 150w cfl 1 blue spec and 1 red. (currently under the red with a fan blowing on...
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    what nutes should i be buying please?

    Hi yes u.k should i post this again then? when i find the uk thread. lol
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    what nutes should i be buying please?

    Hi this is my first ever post just joined so be gentle with me. lol i am on my first grow which is a 60 day wonder (currently day 30). planted seed straight into 8" pot on windowsill for a couple of weeks then got 150w cfl 1 blue spec and 1 red. (currently under the red with a fan blowing on...