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  1. K

    IF YOU HAD TO GUESS ... how much have you spent on your op?

    Well. This being my first grow ever I went ALL OUT & have spent approx $0 on everything. I forget what kind of soil I used but It was left over from yard work about 2 1/2 months ago. Seeds from some decent mids. Used 44oz Wendy's Cold Cups to start my 5 germ'd seeds. They sat by window on...
  2. K

    Tiny little flies, that look like fruit flies?! HELP!!

    Yeah lol, I just spent about thirty minutes sitting in front of my baby killing them one by one. If you are low on cash, a small cup or bowl of water will do. I refilled the cup I use to water & before Iknew it I had 3 corpses floating. I will for sure be lookin into some tape tho. My grow is in...
  3. K

    my plant seems really weak.. :(

    Yo. I had this problem when I started my plants....I actually had them in a 44oz Wendys cup to start them off. I ended up taping some toothpicks together to make a thick, long tooth pick that I could prop the drooping plant up against. Also, I used a bread tie to tie the stem to the tooth...
  4. K

    Iraqi Dinar

    My Manager actually was telling me about this, I think he pretty much invested everything he had with a buddy of his. Im not too sure how the rate is currently going, but I just figured I would comment. My manager totally thinks this will be a big enough return to be able to retire. But so far...
  5. K

    264W of CFL's, Stealth Closet 1st grow

    Very impressive bro! Im incredibly jealous right now. Lookin forward on catchin up on your 2nd grow.
  6. K

    The hole in the bowl of my pipe got chipped, so the weed gets sucked in. What can I

    I had something similar happen to me recently. Unfortunately, I was unable to fix the widened hole in the bowl. I would assume that a screen would be a quick fix but I just ended up buying a new pipe. Dont buy pieces from that place anymore! Buy a Wrap for tonight.
  7. K

    Bagseed I found!!!

    Cant wait ^^^^^ Mine are 12days old! Cant wait to have em big & strong
  8. K

    First Organic Grow with Full Fluorescent Lighting

    Cant wait to see these flower! Thanks for pix & info. Best of luck to ya.
  9. K

    Ohh sh!t!My grow journal

    Great Info & lots of pix! Thanks for sharing & Ill be watchin!
  10. K

    New Cabinet Grow - 9'x4'x18" - Complete Build Journal - Lot's of Pics

    Thank you firstly for this thread. Lots of great info as I am currently on my 1st grow also! 2ndly, Thank you KB for this post! Im about 2 weeks in & figured it wouldnt smell my house up! Im happy I came across this early! Thanks again
  11. K

    Did my room mate just get me fired?

    Agreed, pretty hilarious. Im pretty sure that blood tests will not be able to detect any small amount you may or may not have taken in. DONT call the cops & when you remove the sand from your vag, I highly recommend smokin a bowl.
  12. K

    Ginormous Harvest - AK47 and White Russian - PICS!!

    Good Shit bro. Looks like some premium herb & despite all the haters im jealous!! Keep on gardening & weed through these clowns comments & improve ya next grow. Cant wait to see some more pix =P
  13. K

    First Shroom Experience

    Keyboard? Try Controller & entering each letter one-by-one. Are you a horse yet?
  14. K

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    Its 3pm EST over here. Ive been awake since noon tweeking my grow setup & have actually made some great improvements. (Was tryin to grow indoors using ONLY sunlight) So to celebrate I had a big bowl of Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries!
  15. K

    NHL Playoffs..

    Hell Yes! If the Wings offence can pull theirs heads out their asses we would be golden. With Osgood in goal, Stanley Cup here come!
  16. K


    Hypothetically, Tell your doctor your back hurts & feed him a line of BS. Im not sure where the hypothetical need or want of percs is coming from, but I would steer way clear of the internet when tryin to buy those sort of things. If I had a decent connect I wouldn't mind sharing, at cost. But...
  17. K

    Need To Pass A Drug Test

    Nice! Have you used the UrineLuck for potential employers or for probation?
  18. K


    Hey, its MY opinion, & YOU dont have to visit Youtube for anything that I recommend. Im sure someone else will love me for introducing Pendulum to them.
  19. K

    Zong = good smoking

    Nice Zongs fellas. I have seen & smoked out of some similar to these. Ice catcher FTW? They make your lungs not feel like fire when you clear one of them monsters.
  20. K

    NHL Playoffs..

    I actually believe its Red Wings turn again to beat you @ home in the final.