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  1. H

    G13`s Sour Candy and Pineapple Express or any input on G13 in general?

    PE is a really good strain. lots of resin and very good yeild. make sure you have good odor control =)
  2. H

    Tangerine Dream Urgent Help

    been in flower for over 3 months and it looks like it could use another month before it finishes. will not being doing this 1 again
  3. H

    first grow going bad

    thanks. i moved the lights up a little bit and the plants have stopped dropping and are reaching high in the air and starting to grow like crazy.
  4. H

    first grow going bad

    its about a month old. it was started in soil and then moved to dwc 2 weeks ago. it started to look better and then over night the leaves turned dark brown almost black. I lowered the cfl lights to about a 1/2" from the plant could this be burn from the lights?
  5. H

    first grow going bad

    this is bag seed and my first attempt(DWC) . these plants have gone through alot and is basicly a learning experience. heres a pic i took today does anyone know whats wrong with it. Im using fox farm big grow,big bloom and cal/mag.