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  1. D

    white mold

    i think u might be right, i might not have put them deep enough in the soil... (-:
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    white mold

    only 3 look like they have it... its real thick and furry at the base then thins out into the stalk right before the seed casing (hasnt shed the seed yet). think its just root hairs? wish i had pics!
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    white mold

    hi people! soaked my seeds in distilled water for 24 hrs, then put them in soil and they popped through this morning. a few have what looks like white mold on the stalk already and they havent even shed the seed yet... any ideas?:cry:
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    Why is my rockwool green on top?

    ok cool, thanks for your help!
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    Why is my rockwool green on top?

    looks like white mold, doesnt look powdery... so 1 tsp of peroxide and 3 water?
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    Why is my rockwool green on top?

    if so, do i not dilute the peroxide when i spray the sponges?
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    Why is my rockwool green on top?

    i have white mold on the top of my bio sponges, will peroxide work for mold too?
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    seedling leaf curl

    guess i'll start with addressing the humidity... has to be it. everything else is perfect
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    seedling leaf curl

    been in this setup a few days and just now curling....
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    seedling leaf curl

    humidity is 35
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    seedling leaf curl

    in dwc... 79 degrees
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    seedling leaf curl

    what should the humidity be?
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    seedling leaf curl

    freakin out here! my seedling has leaf curl upwards, but color is still green... temp is 79, t5 is 10" away. had a small fan blowing in space between... any ideas? (too dumb to post pics) any thoughts?
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    ok... just the exhaust on 24/7? run the intake 1min every 45min ok?
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    i started the grow on that air exchange cycle... scared to run the fans all the time. thought humidity had to be at about 60? as long as they dont look stressed im ok right? they are a good green color and perky...
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    i timed them to keep humidity up a lil...
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    well, i have a 5x5x7 grow tent with a cool sun reflector (1000w mh) with a 6" 490 cfm wind tunnel cooling it... 4" intake and exhaust fans running for 1 minute every 45 min. 2 small 6" ciculating fans
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    so if the plants themselves are 75-80 its ok? even if the room is 90-95...
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    they dont seem stressed at all... the 90 on the digital just scares me