ok so got 31.1 grams from the cheese bomb and a disapointing 1.5gz from the rks the cheese bomb is wonderfull one small bowl puts you out the it gives you a heady high at first but quickly puts you on your azz great for night cap the aroma is slightly fruity with a slight pine the smell has a...
pics of final product this is the cheese bomb and rks reserve provada the rks was an extremely low yealder maybe 3 to 5 grams the cheese bomb maybe an ounce will get official scale when curing is done
rest of plant still needs some time but these are almost maxed out as far as amber tricks so down they come these are my biggest buds from the cheese bomb but still got some good sized ones left rks needs a little time so leaving her to ripen a bit more
here's some pics there about 2 days old it is harvesting time the rks trics are about half half cloudy and amber but after checking it last night its at 70 30 so will chop down tonight the cheese bomb might also get the axe of faith once i check to trics tonight too the neviels haze still looks...
update time cheese bomb is lookint lovely as usual nice and frosty thr neviles haze is stretching and looking real odd the rks is a tiny bud lol but looks good here are some new pics
update time the cheese bomb is look great pumping out crystals right now looking oh so Delicious rks is making some tiney nugs might be not enough light neviles has is flowering too making some tiney buds not sure why once looking about about 10 grams between both as far as cheese bomb might get...
update cheese bomb is in full flower gave her some molasses bud candy and big bud and also gave first shot of flowing nutes using jacks classics neviles haze and rks finally overcame shock of being topped before 12/12 and should show sex in a week or 2 the cheese bomb is at the perfect height...
picture time finnaly gave cheese bomb her first full shot of nutes neviles haze and rks just recovering from being topped cheese bomb already showing sex its a girl
The brown tips look like you might to flush pH your water about 6.7 check the nute chart for a balance I use 6.5 but I use strait Coco and ensure your water isn't fresh from the tap ensure it sits for a day or buy filtered water Walmart sells it for like 2 bucks to fill a 5 gallon bottle and...
picture time switched to 12/12 topped the neviles haze and the rks cheese bomb looking great drinking alot day 3 of 12/12 the cheese bomb was showing pre flowers about a week or 2 anyhow here are the pics
48 days for the cheese bomb already showing pre flowers
the neviles haze growing nicely
and the rks making some progress,there all in their funal pots will start flowing at the last day of the month
its only been 3 days since i took pics and the cheese bomb is showing daily growth at a lovely rate, the rks seems to be frozen will have to flush with 6.h ph water the neviles haze is coming along nicely any how here are the pics
neviles hazerkscheese bomb
it can probably cover 4 or 5 plants in square pots with height adjustment i first had the same light in smaller confined space and it grew 6 plants with no issues
i had one not open up and start growing the chemdog did it but the nevils haze is already open and looking real strong i had issues germinating tried soaking seeds planting strait in soil i tried it all but never had such a great success rate but here are some pics also added grinder glassware...
update time transplanted cheese bomb into final pot rks is taking her time but she's getting there neviles haze is ready for transplant might sound odd but i let my seedlings separate from the shell before i plant them leave the leaves above soils and they turn green in a matter of hours and open up
ok update time cheese bomb is 26 days old and is stinking up my grow area oh so lovely will have to throw on the carbon filter the rks is 16 days old not as robust as the cheese bomb will transplant the cheese bomb into its final pot so she can flourish some more will start flowing at the end of...
ok back at ti once again last grow ended up getting burned forgot to flush coco and didnt have time to keep a close eye on her so she died it was a lemon skunk
this time around i have 2 possible 3 plants
1 reserva provada R.K.S
and one bomb seeds cheese bomb
the other is chem dog but she isnt...