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  1. kcbuds2

    has anyone else had the same problem? space cake

    Hi fellow stoners! Right, about 2 or 3 years ago i made my first space cake, i just got a cake mix and crumbled about 4g into it, my and my friend had half of the cake each and was high as fcuk for about 4hrs! After that i read about extracting the thc into butter so for the last 4 cakes i...
  2. kcbuds2

    Why Doesnt it Work for me :(

    Hi fellow stoners! Right, about 2 or 3 years ago i made my first space cake, i just got a cake mix and crumbled about 4g into it, my and my friend had half of the cake each and was high as fcuk for about 4hrs! After that i read about extracting the thc into butter so for the last 4 cakes i...
  3. kcbuds2

    check this s**t tobbaco that gets you high! Ganja tobbaco ?

    Lol why would i make it up ?
  4. kcbuds2

    check this s**t tobbaco that gets you high! Ganja tobbaco ?

    What do u mean spice or k2 ?
  5. kcbuds2

    check this s**t tobbaco that gets you high! Ganja tobbaco ?

    Just wounderd if any one else has had it ? I bought some today got a pouch of golden virginia, the guy says "sum clever cunt managed to find away to get thc into the baki, im thinking maybe used some kind of vapourizer with the baki inside soaking it up ? But then again maybe its soaked in...
  6. kcbuds2

    Space Cakes Dont Work For Me ?

    Good Evening Stoners :weed: I had some space cakes yesterday i put 7grams of dry northern lights in ( which smashes ya when smoked :D ) i made 13 small cakes, last nite i ate 2 and half and didnt feel anything till after 2 hrs and i only felt a little bit high like id only smoke a quarted of...
  7. kcbuds2

    Dont harvest all at once ?

    I guess no1 then .. lol
  8. kcbuds2

    Dont harvest all at once ?

    I have got some NL plants on day 58 of flower and there ready to chop the hairs have turned slightly copper colour and the buds are big and rock hard, Iv just read a article on about just harvesting the tops of the plants and leaving the lower to ripen more as iv noticed with mine theres...
  9. kcbuds2

    My NORTHERN LIGHTS monsters ! how far from harvest ? > PICS<

    what do you mean by checking the trichomes ? im quite new to game only my second grow
  10. kcbuds2

    My NORTHERN LIGHTS monsters ! how far from harvest ? > PICS<

    there on the 6th week pal, i was thinking about another 2weeks maybe
  11. kcbuds2

    My NORTHERN LIGHTS monsters ! how far from harvest ? > PICS<

    that sounds good to me ! what did you think of the bud ?
  12. kcbuds2

    3 weeks in to flowering how does she look

    kool iv got som northern lights on 6th week of flowering
  13. kcbuds2

    Pics of my blue cheese ladies 5 weeks into flowering (uk)

    i grew the exact same ones a few months ago and also had the exact same problems, got spider mites in veg and i had a majoy problem with the leafs burning! the end product wasnt that good to be honest..hope yours goes better ! ( uk to btw )
  14. kcbuds2

    My NORTHERN LIGHTS monsters ! how far from harvest ? > PICS<

    oh yeah the camera i used is crap, there not that pale in person
  15. kcbuds2

    My NORTHERN LIGHTS monsters ! how far from harvest ? > PICS<

    Heres my 4 Northern lights monsters! they are on day 42 of flowering, iv heard NL dont take long to harvest does anyone know the average time ? or what do u think from the pics a small branch snapped off the other day so obviously iv tried it out and smoking it as i type and its gettin me...
  16. kcbuds2

    3 weeks in to flowering how does she look

    very nice what strain are those ? mine are about 2 weeks from flowering i think, just about to make a thread have a look in 5min
  17. kcbuds2

    Is it ok to trim ???

    Thanks for all your suggestions! this is why i love this website :D
  18. kcbuds2

    Is it ok to trim ???

    oh right thanks i can remmber reading once that you shouldnt trim the theory was "they wouldnt be there if the plant didnt need them " and yes it was to get the smaller buds at the bottom, its hard for me to tie back as i didnt expect them to get this big but i will have to try i suppose...
  19. kcbuds2

    Is it ok to trim ???

    sooo iv got 4 MASSIVE NL plants 28 days into flower, i cant believe how big they have got ( not complaining lol ) So anyway just wonderd if it is ok to cut some of the fan leafs off ? most of the plant seems to be catching light but im thinking if i remove some of the fan leafs the buds will...
  20. kcbuds2

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Lowphat you genius !! lol that never even crossed my mind haha thanks!!