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  1. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thanks a lot man, it was a shock when they finished, i had never shown them to anyone then i showed them to a friend and he couldn't believe it, he was holding me arm saying 'no fucking way' repeatedly. at this point i thought i better show them online. over 'n' out brother, data.
  2. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    quick shot of the finished manics, these were the tops off the GG plants. i notice the difference straight off whilst trimming, the GG plants were all harder, denser buds, while the garden girls in pots of equal size and the same strain had less dense buds. data.
  3. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    it wasn't all sunshine 'n' smiles, heres a shot of the most heavily damaged one after a real windy week. she suffered so much damage it stalled flowering for a couple of weeks, then it all happened again, she didn't do too well at all. data.
  4. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    roughly around 15-20oz, the strain is a home made hack, a mango x chronic, i call manic. datadude.
  5. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    heres a shot of the weakest one, she was pretty tall, but all air bud, made bubble with her. i had to strap her to the greenhouse, she kept blowing over. data
  6. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i put these four out to flower in the sun, its a fucker having to put them in the shed every night, and back out at 6 in the morning. i grew them in me tent, then in the greenhouse for a few weeks, then weather them off for a week, then out in the sun and in and out the shed for 2 months until...
  7. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    a shot of three of the garden girls when they were teenagers, in 60l and 70l pots, this shot was taken around july. data.
  8. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i also grow indoors mate, in a 2x2m grow tent, started off 3 years ago in a DR80, happy days having a smaller grow, a lot more manageable. you'll love this, i was paying what little time i had to the garden girls and gg plot, i ballsed up me indoor grow. i let em stretch, they got burnt and...
  9. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi don, guessing you've enough land round you not to worry about folks seeing a fuck off tree like that data. ... i do live in the middle of nowhere mate, i have one neighbor and he's cool about my hobby. data.
  10. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    here is a shot of her where she lived in our garden, i used bungees to strap her to a wooden seating thing and a lot of string. data. ps...shall i keep posting a few shots or you all bored now?
  11. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi mate, its decieving that shot, the lil metal shed is maybe 10ft away in the background, but she was much taller in the pot, maybe another 2.5ft, taking to around 12ft. data.
  12. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    here is a shot with my mate standing next to it, it is hard to grasp how big she got. we propped her pot up against a chair to steady her, just before the chop. over 'n' out data.
  13. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i assure you brother, they are not photo-shopped in any way, i have dozens more shots if you would like to have a look. i live in suffolk, i only wished i lived in spain. im a regular on another canna forum and i thought i'd pop over and show you the big girls. over 'n' out data.
  14. datadude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi dudes, here are a few plants i grew in my garden, i also had a small GG plot with 3 big girls. the first shot is the biggest of the bunch, she was 9.5ft from the top of her 70 litre pot. the second is of the four i grew in my garden. third shot is my lil GG plot, they all reached around...
  15. datadude

    i been growing indoors about 3+ years and outdoor 2 years. many years ago i opened 2 accounts...

    i been growing indoors about 3+ years and outdoor 2 years. many years ago i opened 2 accounts, one here and one on another canna forum, i spent a month on each and decided to make my home elsewhere. i still pop in to read the forums, mostly to cross reference information and stare at the bud porn.