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  1. blazin88

    one mother (sativa) dont know what to do help!

    can anyone answer my question?
  2. blazin88

    one mother (sativa) dont know what to do help!

    deep water culture(hydroponic system)....
  3. blazin88

    one mother (sativa) dont know what to do help!

    alryt i have a 1' 2'' sativa mother in the yard, and i was woundering could i cut the gurl down into clones and drop them off in my DWC which consists of a rockwool, hydroton pellets, and a drip feeder, that is fed through the net pot, inside the reservoir?? or should i let her grow she is about...
  4. blazin88

    Need help with experiment

    dose it matter wheather or not if put them in individual containers or i put them in the ground dont want to drop them in the ground if they grow better in pots! ya kno
  5. blazin88

    Need help with experiment

    hell yea thanx man
  6. blazin88

    Need help with experiment

    ok say i wanted to start growing in them beer pong cups tht you get from your local store(the cheap plastic red ones), and im starting them in soil, indoors, under 400w HM/hps dual ballast. how many could i have growing at once just under the 400w lamp before it gets be to crowded?? and what...
  7. blazin88

    DWC drip system, help with feeding!

    i have it hooked up from inside the resevior from underneath the net pots straight to the roots. so i let it slow drip for air? i have air stones tht pump air in the water dose it really matter how fast the water moves??
  8. blazin88

    DWC drip system, help with feeding!

    ive got a 6 plant deep water culture and its fixed on a drip system from the res., and i was wondering weather or not i should keep the system feeding the plants only when the lights are on or if i have to have a certain time to feed or even if i can leave the dripper on through out the grow. if...
  9. blazin88

    Dwc help!! Need good advice...

    yea thats what i got. a water pump hooked up to a drip system its just tht i planted some plants outside at the same time i planted the ones in the DWC and the plant outside seem to have gotten a thicker stock than the ones in the system and i think it is do to the feeding schedule i have the...
  10. blazin88

    Dwc help!! Need good advice...

    thanx never thought of that. what about feeding should i stay feeding when light is on or should i have it set on shorter periods of time for it?>?
  11. blazin88

    Dwc help!! Need good advice...

    Im running a 6 plant DWC system in an 18 gal. res., under a 400w MH for 18/6. if i am 20 days in to veg. and i have changed out the water every week could i leave the nutes in the system for another week and then change it out, or would this be a problem? Also i am feedin the plants consistently...
  12. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    ok well what size res. were you using? cuz im on an 18 gal. tote im also having trouble with watering, idk exactly when i should water. to this point i only water when the light is on should i keep at it or change the cycle to like 3 time a day?? im mean its worked so far maybe i should just...
  13. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    thanx for the info. but can you tell me when they are most likely to reach the water with their roots, like how far long should they be?? or dose it just depend on the plant??
  14. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    umder the lid is a drip system with a water pump connected to it. and some hoses runing from the water pump to each net pot.
  15. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    ok well i pretty much changed out the res. and add a newer container tht is black and less light can penetrate to the roots. the plants are doin great! they r lookin better everyday and i am still having no problems! it weird because i dont use a ph tester or a ppm meter or even a ph adjuster...
  16. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    PPL!! let me kno what you think of the setup is it alryt for a noob!?!
  17. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    you probably need a bigger res. its so compact that the heat is trapped easier by the container
  18. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    around the 2 week they started getting a lush green color and are more bushy and defined than before they are just about ready to throw into full veg. probably tomorrow and the growth will really start to show signs of devolpment, cant wait to switch them over and see what happens!
  19. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    alryt the ladies have grown noticeably and they are only 10-11 days old! wow remember this is my first grow so i atleast thought i was going to incounter some stress related problems, but i am fortunet not to have these issues. the nodes have grown more tightly together showing very nice veg...
  20. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    ok my six plants have come along at a good rate in these pics. all the stem have deep purple color and the root mass is coming along great the babies are only about 7-8 day old and are looking better every day. i still have not added the full veg formula yet, im still letting the root mass...